WHAT ARE THE VALENTINE'S DAY? Valentine's Day - an annual Valentine's Day falling on February 14. The name comes from the St. Valentine, whose liturgical memorial in the Catholic Church is also celebrated on this day. It is customary on this day to send letters containing confessions of love (often written in verse). In the West, particularly in Britain and the United States, worshiped St. Valentine as the patron saint of lovers. February 14, he became a self-giving occasion for small gifts.
CUSTOM Almost permanent part of Valentine's Day is another Valentine's Day giving the ornamental notes. Red, the most heart-shaped Valentine's Day bear poems, and often a love confession. Connected with the feast of the custom of giving a partner in a Valentine gift of flowers, candy, plush mascots.
VALENTINE'S DAY POEM St. Valentine's Day This is good day for everyone! On this day all that they profess, They want to love and love! Dzień świętego Walentego To dzień dobry dla każdego! W tym dniu wszyscy to wyznają, Że chcą kochać i kochają!
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