Seeking the Merciful God Preaching the Book of Hosea Austin Sermon Seminar 2013
Frameworks Narrative Wisdom Prophetic self-definition
The Roles of the Prophets Warning Israel (slaying and lacerating; 6:5; 12:11; cf. Amos 3:7) Standing watch for Israel (9:8) Delivering Israel (12:14) But these roles can go awry (4:5; 9:7)
The Actors: The King Named rulers (1:1) No king or dying king (3:4-5; 10:3 [?], 7, 15) Malfeasant king (5:1; 7:3, 5, 7; 8:10) King of Assyria (5:13; 10:6; 11:5)
The Actors: The King Where, where is your king, The one rescuing you in all your cities, Your judges about whom you said, “Give me a king and nobles”? I gave you a king in my anger, And I took away in my wrath. (Hosea 13:10-11)
The Actors: Assyria
The Assyrian King Worships His Gods From the British Museum
The Hunt The Assyrian King in His Might
Settings and Contexts XII 8 th century books AmosMicahHosea Later books Others
Endings of the XII Prophets Hosea – מי חכם plus oracle of salvation Joel – oracle of salvation for end Amos – oracle of salvation Obadiah – oracle of salvation Jonah – question about salvation Micah – מי אל כמוך plus oracle of salvation
Endings of the XII Prophets Nahum – oracle of doom for Assyria, which equals an oracle of salvation for Israel Habaqquq – praise in response to salvific act Zephaniah – promise of salvation Haggai – oracle of salvation re Zerubbabel Zechariah – oracle of salvation Malachi – call to obey Torah of Moses and heed Elijah the prophet (fit ending for XII? Bracketed with end of Hosea???)
Seeking the Merciful God Preaching the Book of Hosea Austin Sermon Seminar 2013
Possible Structures of Hosea 4-14 Modern ProposalMedieval Proposal 4:1-34:1-6:11 4:4-5:74:1-19 4:4-195:1-7 5:1-75:8-6:11 5:8-9:97:1-14:1 5:8-6:67:1-12 6:7-7:167:13-8:14 8:1-149:1-9 9:1-99: :10-11:119:17 9: :1-8 10:1-810:9-11:11 10:9-1512:1-13:11 11:1-1113:12-14:1 12:1-14:1014:2-8 12:1-1514: :1-14:1All verses follow the Hebrew numbering 14:2-9 14:10