Women’s Ministry & Fellowship (WMF) Dinner Bath Road Baptist Church October 4, 2011 Speaker: Melinda Raymond.


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Presentation transcript:

Women’s Ministry & Fellowship (WMF) Dinner Bath Road Baptist Church October 4, 2011 Speaker: Melinda Raymond

 Review our PLANTER of Praise!  Devotional: “P” is for “Pure”  Ending Administration

Philippians 4:8

 Pure Whatever is...

 Pure  Lovely Whatever is...

 Pure  Lovely  Admirable Whatever is...

 Pure  Lovely  Admirable  Noble Whatever is...

 Pure  Lovely  Admirable  Noble  True Whatever is...

 Pure  Lovely  Admirable  Noble  True  Excellent Whatever is...

 Pure  Lovely  Admirable  Noble  True  Excellent  Right Whatever is...

 Pure  Lovely  Admirable  Noble  True  Excellent  Right  Praiseworthy Whatever is...

 Pure  Lovely  Admirable  Noble  True  Excellent  Right  Praiseworthy Whatever is... Think about such things (Phi 4:8).

 “May the words of our mouths and the mediations of our hearts be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer” (Ps 19:14)  Develop a real sense of community between the women of our church.  Have a relaxing, fun time of fellowship that honours God!

 Scriptural Definitions  Examples  God’s Instructions Regarding Purity  Rewards for Being Pure

 Word study in both the Old Testament Hebrew and New Testament Greek.  Few different words that are translated “pure”  Compiled the definitions into three categories

 Physical Definition  Like gold or silver, refined by fire  Like a vine cleansed by pruning so as to bear fruit  Flawless

 Physical Definition  Like gold or silver, refined by fire  Like a vine cleansed by pruning so as to bear fruit  Flawless  Levitical Definition  Ceremonially clean (OT Temple worship)  The use of which is not forbidden  No uncleanness, unblemished

 Ethical/Moral Definition  Free from all moral taint  Free from corrupt desire  Free from sin and guilt  Free from everything false  Sincere or genuine  Blameless, innocent, justified  Unstained with the guilt of anything

 Physical:  Pure gold on the OT Ark of the Covenant (Exodus)

 Physical:  Pure gold on the OT Ark of the Covenant (Exodus)  Levitical:  OT animals for sacrifice  NT Christ

 Physical:  Pure gold on the OT Ark of the Covenant (Exodus)  Levitical:  OT animals for sacrifice  NT Christ “Everyone who has hope in Jesus purifies himself, just as He is pure” (1 John 3:3)

 Ethical/Moral: “The words of the Lord are PURE words” (Ps 12:6)

 Ethical/Moral: “The words of the Lord are PURE words” (Ps 12:6) “Every word of God is PURE and flawless” (Pr 30:2)

 Ethical/Moral: “The words of the Lord are PURE words” (Ps 12:6) “Every word of God is PURE and flawless” (Pr 30:2) “The wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all PURE” (James 3:17)

 Ethical/Moral: “The words of the Lord are PURE words” (Ps 12:6) “Every word of God is PURE and flawless” (Pr 30:2) “The wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all PURE” (James 3:17) “Thy Word is very PURE” (Ps 119:140)

#1. Study God’s Word!!! “How can a young [woman] keep [her] way PURE? By living according to Your Word. I seek you with all my heart that I might not sin against You. Praise be to You, O Lord; teach me Your decrees. With my lips I recount all the laws that come from Your mouth. I rejoice in following Your statutes as one rejoices in great riches. I meditate on Your precepts and consider Your ways. I delight in Your decrees; I will not neglect Your Word.” (Ps 119:9-16)

#2. Obey God’s Word!!! “Pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a PURE heart” (2 Tim 2:22)

#2. Obey God’s Word!!! “Pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a PURE heart” (2 Tim 2:22) “Religion that God our Father accepts as PURE and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” (James 1:27)

#2. Obey God’s Word!!! “Pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a PURE heart” (2 Tim 2:22) “Religion that God our Father accepts as PURE and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” (James 1:27) “Purify yourselves by obeying the truth” (1 Pet 1:22)

“[She] who has clean hands and a PURE heart [] will receive blessing from the Lord and vindication from God [her] Saviour” (Ps 24: 4-5) “Blessed are the PURE in heart, for they will see God.” (Mt 5:8)

In order to please God with a PURE heart we must: 1.Study the Word of God 2.Obey the Word of God God will richly bless our faith and obedience!

 Thank you to all the volunteers who helped with this evening  Special thank you to the guys in the kitchen and upstairs with the kids!!!  Volunteer Forms