Unit 4 People in the Global Ecosystem Chapter 12 - People and Their Needs
Chapter 12.1 A Portrait of Earth Objectives Describe Earth as a network of systems and connections. Explain how Earth is closed with respect to matter, and open with respect to energy.
Chapter 12.1 Systems and Connections.
Chapter 12.1Systems and Connections. (continued) There are many systems on Earth The Ecosystems are affected by all of them
Chapter 12.1 Matter vs. Energy Earth is a closed system with respect to matter. However, Earth is an o pen system with respect to energy.
Chapter 12.1 Viewing Earth Gaia Hypothesis – states that Earth is a single, living organism that regulates itself to maintain life. YOUTUBE
Chapter 12.2 Human Societies Objectives Identify hunter-gatherer, agricultural and industrial societies. Describe how the impact of humans on the environment has increased over time.
Chapter 12.2 Human Societies On a 12- hour clock: Humans have been around for 30 seconds
Chapter 12.2 Hunter-Gatherers A society in which people gather natural food, hunt and are nomadic. A group of Nukak-Makú hunter-gatherers is encamped outside San José del Guaviare, Colombia,
Chapter 12.2 Agriculture A society in which crops are grown and people have specialized roles.
Chapter 12.2 Industrial A society in which the production of food and other products is performed by machines, demanding large amounts of energy and resources.
Chapter 12.3 Sustainable Development Objectives Define the frontier ethic and the sustainable development ethic. Describe the differences between a renewable and a non-renewable resource.
Chapter 12.3 Frontier Ethics A systems of ethics in modern industrial society is the frontier ethic which is based on the view that humans are separate from nature.
Chapter 12.3 Frontier Ethics (continued) 1) Resources are unlimited and meant for our consumption.
Chapter 12.3 Frontier Ethics (continued) 2) Humans are separate and do not obey natural laws.
Human success is measured in terms of control over the natural world. Chapter 12.3 Frontier Ethics (continued)
Chapter 12.3 Sustainable Development Ethics Sustainable development ethics is an ethics that meets the current needs of society without limiting the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Resources are limited and not all meant for human consumption. Humans are part of nature and obey natural laws. Human success is living in harmony with the natural world.
Chapter 12.3 Sustainable Development Ethics (continued) Resources are limited and not all meant for human consumption.
Chapter 12.3 Sustainable Development Ethics (continued) Humans are part of nature and obey natural laws.
Chapter 12.3 Sustainable Development Ethics (continued) Human success is living in harmony with the natural world.
References Wiley. "Non Sequitur." Cartoon. gocomics. 15 Sept Sept Earth Science Geology, the Universe and the Environment. Glencoe, PDF Version. 17 Sept p. 23