1 Welcome to Cub Scout Leader Training
2 Pack Committee Training
3 The Cub Scout Promise I, (name) promise to do my best to do my duty to God and my country, to help other people, and to obey the Law of the Pack.
4 Pack Leadership Den leaders Cubmaster Den chiefs Chartered organization representative Pack committee
5 Key Pack Committee Positions Chairman Secretary Treasurer Advancement Pack trainer Public relations Outings Membership and Re- registration Friends of Scouting
6 The Pack Committee Is Supported by the: Chartered organization District and Council, through Commissioners District Cub Scout roundtables District committee District executive District training team
7 Cub Scout Advancement Encouragement and recognition of achievement Grade-related and progressive A tool for parents The role of parents changes
8 Parents and Advancement: Tiger Cub parents are “adult partners” Cub Scout parents work with their boys Webelos leaders work directly with Webelos Scouts
9 Cub Scout Uniforming Sense of belonging Recognition Identification with Scouting
10 Adult Cub Scout Leader Uniforms
11 Summary: Advancement and Uniforming Grade-based and progressive Parents key to advancement for Tiger Cubs, Wolf, and Bear Cub Scouts Leaders key to advancement for Webelos Scouts Leaders set uniforming example for all
12 Planning in the Pack Built around monthly themes for Cub Scouts, activities for Tiger Cubs, and activity badges for Webelos Scouts Themes tie each pack meeting together Annual program planning conference The monthly pack leaders’ meeting
13 Cub Scout Camping Day camp Resident camp Family camping Pack camping Be sure to include pack camping in your annual program plans.
14 Cub Scout Pack Meetings Before the meeting Gathering Opening Program Tiger Cub and Cub Scout den skits and stunts Webelos den demonstrations Games Recognition Closing After the meeting
15 Committee Program Support Budget Pack records Advancement Outings Recruiting boys Selecting leaders Training leaders Make Boys’ Life for every boy a part of your pack budget.
16 Summary: Role of the Pack Committee Pack policies Adult leadership Plan the annual program Plan the pack meetings Support the pack program Support the pack leaders