GENERAL CONTROL OF DISEASES As we are growing and ageing, we should take good care, maintain and protect ourselves from harm, and all forms of diseases so as to make meaningful contributions, a difference and fulfill our destiny in this world. Introduction We must all make every effort to achieve the purpose for which we live, because health is wealth.
GENERAL CONTROL OF DISEASES For us to control diseases and remain healthy, we must avoid all forms of unhealthy habits e.g. Smoking Alcoholic drinks Drug abuse Etc.
GENERAL CONTROL OF DISEASES We must form good habits that will result in good and better health and always practice the following: We must maintain personal hygiene (i.e. keep oneself clean). We must have control over our environment by keeping it clean always.
GENERAL CONTROL OF DISEASES Keep your home tidy and clean, eliminate any places where water can collect and breed mosquitoes. Our surrounding must be clean, tidy and comfortable always.
GENERAL CONTROL OF DISEASES We must dispose all forms of wastes properly. We must keep away from dirty environment and germs. Our children as well as adult must sleep in treated mosquito nets.
GENERAL CONTROL OF DISEASES We must fumigate our surroundings so as to eliminate mosquitoes, rats, flies, cockroaches and others vectors of diseases from our homes and surroundings.
GENERAL CONTROL OF DISEASES We must always wash our hands with soap and water before and after eating. This help to prevent the spread of diseases.
GENERAL CONTROL OF DISEASES We must always drink clean water. We must feed on good balanced diet always and avoid over eating and junks food. We must not walk bare footed.
GENERAL CONTROL OF DISEASES Whenever you feel ill, quickly visit your doctor/hospital for medical advice/treatment, and one should always obey doctor’s instructions. We must not swim or walk in dirty water. We must exercise daily so as to keep fit.
GENERAL CONTROL OF DISEASES Be properly educated on health matters because Health education builds students' knowledge, skills, and positive attitudes about health. We must also rest our body and brain in order to replenish it for the next day activities.
GENERAL CONTROL OF DISEASES So, take good care of your health and be free from all forms of diseases Remember that: Health is Wealth