Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup Pharmacy Informatics Technician Training Workgroup 1
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup Pharmacy Informatics Technician Training Workgroup Richard Wilson, CPhT. – Lead, VAMC Coatesville, PA Amy Bieryla, RPh. – Assistant Lead, VAMC Coatesville, PA Edna Bowser, CPhT. VA Butler Healthcare, PA Jonathan Corbett, CPhT. VAMC Kansas City, MO LeAnn Gadbaw, CPhT. VAMC Fayetteville, NC Sherie Harrison, CPhT. VABH Hot Springs, SD Lina Hughes, RPh./ADPAC VAMC Spokane, WA Debra Macdonald, RPh. VAMC Salt Lake City, UT Judy Petersen, RPh. VAMC Saginaw, MI Lynn Skorniak, CPhT. NWHCS, Grand Island, NE 2
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup Goals and Objectives To produce a formal pharmacy technician training program with a standardized core. To provide easy to use, step by step training modules for the VistA technician menus. Focus the training on the functions generally used by technicians. Cover all areas of technician responsibility.
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup Importance of Standardized Pharmacy Technician Training New technician with no VA experience The technician is provided with standardized training. After using the VistA training modules, the technician’s learning curve is shortened and there will be an increase in the quality of care provided to the Veterans. 4
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 5 Pharmacy Informatics Technician Training Workgroup With the dedicated hard work of our group members, we have completed the PowerPoint version of two modules with a third in the final stages of editing. We have started the 508 compliance wireframe version of the Outpatient Menu. Our future plan is to complete at least two to three more modules for this year.
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 6 Pharmacy Informatics Technician Training Workgroup Modules completed to date: Outpatient Technician Menu IV Technician Menu In the final editing stages: Inpatient (Unit Dose) Technician Menu Future modules will include: Production Menu (Auto Replenishment) Pharmacy Technician Controlled Substance Menu
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup Pharmacy Informatics Technician Training Workgroup Technician roles are becoming more complex Technicians taking on more responsibility Need for more specialty training
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup Outpatient Pharmacy Menu There are many functions available in the Outpatient Pharmacy Technician Menu, however, the RX (Prescriptions) will be used more than any of the others.
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup Unit Dose, Pick List Menu, Pick List Example (101) PICK LIST REPORT 02/25/01 21:56 Ward group: TEAM 2 GROUP Page: 1 For 02/21/01 21:56 through 02/23/01 21:55 Team: GENERAL MED ONE Room-Bed Patient Units Units Medication ST U/D Needed Disp'd ================================ WARD: GEN MED ================================ A-1 PSJPATIENT5,FIVE (0005): LORAZEPAM 1MG TAB C 2 6 ____ Give: 2MG ORAL TID Start: 02/20/01 17:00 Stop: 02/22/01 24: METHYLDOPA 500MG TAB C 2 4 ____ Give: 1000MG ORAL BID Start: 02/20/01 17:00 Stop: 02/22/01 24: WARFARIN 2MG TAB C 1 1 ____ Give: 2MG ORAL QPM 21 Start: 02/20/01 21:00 Stop: 02/22/01 24:00
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup Select IV Technician Menu Option: 4 Manufacturing List (IV) Run manufacturing list for DATE: TODAY// (MAR 22, 2010) The manufacturing times on file are: 2 13:00 ADMIXTURES AND PRIMARIES covering 1401 TO :00 HYPERALS covering 1501 TO :00 PIGGYBACKS covering 1601 TO :00 SYRINGE covering 1301 to :00 CHEMOTHERAPY covering 1201 to Enter manufacturing time(s): 4 Requested Start Time: NOW// IV Menu Options, Manufacturing List
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup COMMUNICATION National pharmacy technician group: VHAPBHPHARMACYTECHNICIAN VHAPBHPHARMACYTECHNICIAN Sharing ideas Problem solving Keep current with technician news
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup Pharmacy Informatics Technician Training Workgroup Summary We will continue to develop concise and comprehensive VistA Menu training for all pharmacy technicians within the VA system. We will offer support for the training modules once they are released. We will update any changes that effect the modules after they are available to the field. We are open to suggestions for any additions or change to the existing modules. New modules will be developed as requested. 12
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup Pharmacy Informatics Technician Training Workgroup QUESTIONS? 13