Review of Statewide Mercury Workgroup Goals and Objectives Amy Dickey Utah Division of Water Quality
#1 To provide the citizens of Utah with current, accurate and understandable information on the human and ecological concerns posed by mercury Communications Committee Website Presence at events (state fair, farmers markets, etc.) Partnership building with local health departments Distributed mercury tool kits Radio presentations Stegner lecture series Hg fish advisory cards distributed statewide
#2 To develop an ongoing systematic, logical, and defensible mercury monitoring program to assess mercury levels in fish and waterfowl tissue DWQ has sampled over 2,500 fish since 1999 Minimal money was allocated for this effort, none in recent years DWQ is able to partner with DWR for sampling EPA has been providing free analysis USFWS has plans for 2011 waterfowl sampling
#3 To share technical information, data, and results of any investigations on mercury Strength of the Workgroup Wide range of topics have been presented All are available on the website
#4 To coordinate and collaborate efforts by private and public entities in researching mercury issues in Utah in order to most effectively utilize the limited resources available
#5 To provide the citizens of Utah with access to mercury data, advisories, and information via websites, printed materials, and contact information for public health officials See goal #1.
Amy Dickey Utah Division of Water Quality (801) Suggestions?Comments?