July 2009 WISMS - IM&T Workgroup Finalizing the Balanced Scorecard Kevin Truby
Defining the objective ✤ “In two years time how will we know that the WISMS ICO project has been a success?” ✤ What are the indicators (from each of the task-groups) that will show improvement? ✤ Where are we starting (the baseline)? ✤ What is ‘better’? ✤ 3 metrics per worksgroup
We need to.... ✤ Agree each metric (this week) ✤ Design the collection, storage and reporting systems (I,M&T) ✤ Weight each metric within each group (not as urgent) ✤ Weight each group against the others (not as urgent) ✤ = A Balanced Scorecard
For each Metric define: ✤ Definition – what is it? ✤ Baseline or Comparator – Oct or similar control ✤ Currency – Attendances / Service Users / Events / Completions ✤ Timescale – per day / week / month / quarter / year / project ✤ Validations – is the data accurate?
SMART metrics ✤ Specific ✤ Measurable ✤ Achievable ✤ Realistic ✤ Timebound ✤ Able to be described as a single set of data ✤ Can we put a figure / element of data against it ✤ Can we achieve it (i.e. not more outcomes than available Service Users) ✤ No, can we really achieve it? ✤ per day / week / month / year / project
Workshop 1 – Economic Benefit ✤ Social Return on Investment Model ✤ Reduction in Crime ✤ Reduction in A&E Attendances (ICD10 Primary diagnosis??) ✤ Reduction in Benefits Paid
Workshop 1 – Economic Benefit scratchpad ✤ EB1 – Reduction in crime ✤ Collect Turning Point data on number of Referrals from Criminal Justice System for SU ✤ Collect data from Police of number of these SU offences after the referral ✤ Assume £x X 3(?) X cost of drug habit
Workshop 1 – Economic Benefit scratchpad ✤ EB2 – Reduction in A&E ✤ Count number of Service Users attending A&E per month ✤ List ICD10 codes applicable (Primary and Secondary)
Workshop 1 – Economic Benefit scratchpad ✤ EB3 – Reduction in Benefits paid ✤ Collect Benefits paid (average per SU) per month ✤ (Income??)
Workshop 1 – Economic Benefit scratchpad ✤ WISMS Database (List by WISMS Service User) ✤ Who is in the dB? ✤ How do we add SU? (New / Returners) ✤ How do we (do we??) remove SU from dB? ✤ Impact Map (Paula) ✤ Other metrics
Workshop 1 – Economic Benefit scratchpad ✤ Information sharing agreement ✤ Third Sector / DWP ✤ Information ✤ Map ✤ Narrative ✤ Data Design ✤ Benchmarking
Workshop 1 – Balanced Scorecard ✤ What will it be used for? ✤ DH reporting ✤ Management Reporting ✤ Service Development Action
Workshop 2 – User Experience ✤ Outcomes ✤ Personal Development ✤ Professional Development ✤ Social Integration ✤ ‘The Village Project’
Workshop 2 – User Experience ✤ User Groups ✤ 1 – already engaged ✤ 2 – new access ✤ Measures? ✤ Attendance v outcome ✤ Per month / year / project
Workshop 2 – User Experience scratchpad ✤ PD1 – No of SU / VP (attendances) attending Harm Reduction per month ✤ PD2 – No of SU / VP (attendances) attending a Personal Support session each month ✤ PD3 – No of SU /VP (attendances) attending a Structured Day Programme ✤ PD4 – No of SU engaged in Village Project
Workshop 2 – User Experience scratchpad ✤ Prof1 – No of SU / VP attending College Training (courses) each month ✤ Prof2 – No of SU / VP attending an internal /on- site Training (courses) session each month ✤ Prof3 – No of SU / VP attending JC+ employment Training each month
Workshop 2 – User Experience scratchpad ✤ Social Reintegration ✤ SR1 - No of SU / VP attending P2W each month ✤ SR2 - No of SU / VP attending JC+ Interviews each month ✤ SR3 - No of SU / VP becoming volunteers each month ✤ SR4 - No of SU / VP becoming employed each month
Workshop 3 - Individual Health and Wellbeing ✤ 3 Groups of Metrics ✤ Physical Health ✤ Social Integration ✤ Financial Management
Workshop 3 - Individual Health and Wellbeing ✤ 2 measures per Group of Metrics ✤ Physical Health (Well-Being Screen / WISMS) ✤ Increase in SU participating in 30 minutes of activity on 3 or more days per week (IHW- P1) ✤ Increase in number of referrals to smoking cessation clinics (IHW-P2 a,b,c) – Referrals / Attendances / 4wQ
Workshop 3 - Individual Health and Wellbeing ✤ 2 measures per Group of Metrics ✤ Social Integration (Turning Point / Care Plan) ✤ Increase in the number of SU reporting positive relationships with family and carers (IHW-S1) ✤ Increase in the number of SU involved in community groups, activities and involvement (IHW-S2)
Workshop 3 - Individual Health and Wellbeing ✤ 2 measures per Group of Metrics ✤ Financial Management (Turning Point / Care Plan) ✤ Increase in the % of SU who require Financial Counseling referred (IHW-F1) ✤ % of service users asked about debt & subsequently referred for help ✤ % of service users requiring debt assistance and being referred ✤ % of SUs taking up assistance with debt ✤ Increase in the % of SU attending Financial Counseling (IHW-F2) ✤ Increase in the % of SU reporting increase in ability to manage their finances updated
Workshop 3 – IH &WB scratchpad ✤ Qualitative Answer (Turning Point / Care Plan) ✤ Q1 – Social ( ) ✤ Q2 – Physical ✤ Q3 – Financial ✤ Q4 - Happiness
Workshop 3 – IH &WB scratchpad ✤ Individual SU Survey ✤ Baseline ✤ Quarterly (Care plan review) ✤ Summary data ✤ Physical Exercise Questions ✤ 3 Smoking questions
Workshop 3 – IH &WB scratchpad ✤ Social integration ✤ Monthly / quarterly assessment / care plan / System 1 ✤ Improvement compared with baseline / previous assessment? 0 1 = + 1 1 = 0 2 1 = -
Workshop 3 – IH &WB scratchpad ✤ Financial Management ✤ Survey ✤ “Final Demand” guidance?
Workshop 4 – Community ✤ Percentage of Service Users with parental responsibility accessing mainstream family support (Comm-1) ✤ Percentage of Service Users moving from Unsettled accommodation to Settled (Comm-2) ✤ Community perception of levels of alcohol and drug activity (Comm-3)
Workshop 4 – Community scratchpad ✤ Percentage of Service Users with parental / guardian responsibility accessing WISMS family support team (Comm-1a) and Mainstream Family Support Services (Comm–1b) ✤ Quarterly from WISMS Family Support Team ✤ Sara / Sue ✤ S/Worker Assessments ✤ Referred to SureStart / GASPED ✤ Of c2,000 cohort, c850 have contact with children, ✤ Count of SU that are referred to Specialist / Mainstream Support
Workshop 4 – Community scratchpad ✤ Percentage of Service Users moving from Unsettled accommodation to Settled (Comm-2) ✤ Average of Aggregate score of Service Users reporting an improvement in accommodation status (1-5) ✤ Quarterly Review meeting (paper ??) (TP and Shared care??)
Workshop 4 – Community scratchpad ✤ Community perception of levels of alcohol and drug activity (cf John) ✤ Service User Reps carry out simple survey ✤ 6 monthly ✤ Horsefair Flats ✤ 3 Questions (rated 1-5) x 300 ish
Actions ✤ Data Design ✤ Elements ✤ Sources ✤ Information Sharing ✤ Data Calendar ✤ Baseline ✤ Monthly / Quarterly Returns / extracts ✤ Input sheets