Insert workgroup logo on slide master Insert workgroup name on slide master Projects Documents Team Links What’s New Home Introduction Web Design and Development Company Background Company Background Domain Registration Web Promotions & Advertising Mission Vision Our Difference Our Difference Our Values & Beliefs Our Values & Beliefs The Advantage The Advantage Main Menu Main Menu Introduction Exit
Insert workgroup logo on slide master Insert workgroup name on slide master Projects Documents Team Links What’s New Home Introduction Company Background Aleson Shipping Lines Inc. is an organization of knowledgeable, virtuous, and globally competent individuals. We dedicate ourselves to the development of the shipping business in response to the country’s need for national development in transportation, promoting tourism, connecting people and industries throughout the archipelago and even to the world. We believe that every business maintains an atmosphere where the highest standard of development is a must, results are measured by success and time is responsive for growth. We focused on engaging in the passenger and passenger-cargo servicing with the introduction of fast comfortable modern vessels of Japan thus equipping the company a definite advantage by cutting down the boundaries by giving fast service in a cost effective way, the main “ingredient” practical but efficient. With the humble beginnings of having the first vessel M/V Estrella Del Mar, transporting local crops and goods with the route of Zamboanga – Basilan, we became an instant hit among sea travelers for travel time was cut as much as half, business flourished as people found it easy to shuttle back and forth. In 1994, a pioneering route was established between Zamboanga Port (Philippines) and Sandakan Port (East of Malaysia). This sea linkage made people and goods mobility comfortable and convenient. It was just a matter of time before trade and commerce increased a thousand fold. And with it came opportunities for Filipinos as well as Malaysian Travelers. With the increasing number of vessels under its present fleet and with routes linking the entire Philippine Archipelago and Sabah Malaysia, Aleson Shipping Lines Incorporated has undoubtedly gone a long way since its inception. With the Inter-island traveling, from Malaysia, Aleson Shipping Lines Inc. also has its local routes to serve. Now more vessels were docked on different ports of Visayas and Mindanao and certainly a to be proud of Luzon main area of commerce. We have several growing branches. Today the goals are more possible, development is fast phased. We aim to meet each demand, making our service to its best quality through times. Company Background Mission Vision Our Difference Our Difference Our Values & Beliefs Our Values & Beliefs The Advantage The Advantage Main Menu Main Menu Exit
Insert workgroup logo on slide master Insert workgroup name on slide master Projects Documents Team Links What’s New Home Vision IntroductionVision Aleson Shipping Lines Incorporated dedicates itself to the development of quality sea transport in response to the growing challenge for superior performance to our clients. We recognize that our profits and growth are based on the integrity of our dealings, our established relationships and meeting the most stringent standards of the industry by pure dedicated work and perseverance. Company Background Company Background Mission Our Difference Our Difference Our Values & Beliefs Our Values & Beliefs The Advantage The Advantage Main Menu Main Menu Exit
Insert workgroup logo on slide master Insert workgroup name on slide master Projects Documents Team Links What’s New Home Mission IntroductionMission The core of Aleson Shipping Lines Inc. is its knowledgeable, skilled, result-oriented working team who always searches for new fields of evolution concerning services, organizational development and modernization. Together we continue to grow and fulfill our commitment with a global perspective. We manage and perform a wide range of business process and services using the most appropriate procedure for each clients needs having the premiere experience in sea transportation thus proving our leadership with every challenge. The heart of the new subsidiary-a preeminent building block of growth and innovation, empowering people with quality and affordable service. We thrive to succeed in the highest level of competence. Our clients are our greatest lifetime commitment. Company Background Company Background Vision Our Difference Our Difference Our Values & Beliefs Our Values & Beliefs The Advantage The Advantage Main Menu Main Menu Exit
Insert workgroup logo on slide master Insert workgroup name on slide master Projects Documents Team Links What’s New Home Our Difference Introduction Our Difference Aleson Shipping Lines Inc. promotes the well-being and continuing professional development and competence among its members. These can be achieved through a responsive organizational structure, committed leadership, effective professional development programs abreast with state-of-the-art technology, strict implementation of professional ethics, promotion of high standards of education, and advocacy and participation in the company. By these virtues we hope to meet the most stringent standards of the business industry. We preserve and enhance the moral stature of our profession, and provide infrastructure and resources for our client’s development and well-being. We exists to provide superior performance to our clients. We recognize that our profits and growth are based on the integrity of our dealings and our established relationships. We commit ourselves to serve our clients better with our dedicated team of individuals, our experience and guaranteed results. We ensure fast, high perspective responses through full service involvement and maximum quality service. Company Background Company Background Mission Vision Our Values & Beliefs Our Values & Beliefs The Advantage The Advantage Main Menu Main Menu Exit
Insert workgroup logo on slide master Insert workgroup name on slide master Projects Documents Team Links What’s New Home Our Values & Beliefs Introduction Our Values & Beliefs Our Values & Beliefs Our Customers Our Customers are the lifeblood of our company. That means we will value them above everything else. We promise to treat them with respect, be honest with them and offer the best service possible. Our Employees Our Employees are our most valuable resource. They are hardworking individuals who strive for excellence and integrity in everything they do. We will provide for them a comfortable atmosphere where they can learn, grow and become better people. Our Communities Our Communities are part of our family. We will strive to be active participants and will support the people of our communities. Our Services Our Services consists of the highest level of quality, abreast with latest technology and modernization. We promise to be a premier provider or quality sea transport service to the benefit of our customer through times. Our Business Ethic Our Business Ethic will focus on maintaining our independence, achieving sensible growth, and fair, honest service to our clients. Our Ability to Communicate Our Ability to Communicate is the key to our success with our employees, our customers and our community. Company Background Company Background Mission Vision Our Difference Our Difference The Advantage The Advantage Main Menu Main Menu Exit
Insert workgroup logo on slide master Insert workgroup name on slide master Projects Documents Team Links What’s New Home The Advantage Introduction The Advantage The Advantage Create service levels and guarantees. Deliver forward on-time. Demonstrate ways to reduce fixed cost base. Optimize productivity and quality service Release resources to focus on added value Unique experience from within Expert knowledge Speed of response We share your risk Complete end to end service Extended offerings and delivery Bridge the gap between business places Introduce governance, processes and tools that enabled alignment Accelerate growth by providing core procedural operations Integrates methods and development Organizational change skills to fully leverage industry’s development. Vendor rationalization and management. Latest technology and equipments modernization. Our proven values and cultures. Independence, objectivity and integrity Our Added Value Company Background Company Background Mission Vision Our Difference Our Difference Our Values & Beliefs Our Values & Beliefs Main Menu Main Menu Exit