Workforce CoP – Curriculum Alignment Workgroup Agenda – What is a Workgroup? – Curriculum Alignment – Next Steps
Workforce CoP – Curriculum Alignment Workgroup What is a Workgroup? – A group of individuals from a CoP who share an interest in a specific topic or finding a solution to an issue that has been identified by the general community. – Workgroups are: Voluntary participation Without term limits Short term in nature focusing on one topic or issue Vary over time and can be disbanded once work is complete
Workforce CoP – Curriculum Alignment Workgroup What is a Workgroup? (cont) – Workgroups include: Leads/Co-leads Members Formal SoW or charter (example on HITRC)example on HITRC – Purpose and mission – Goals and objectives – Deliverables and measures of success – Structure of workgroup, roles and supporting tools and technology to help meet the objectives (example of workgroup on HITRC)example of workgroup on HITRC
Workforce CoP – Curriculum Alignment Workgroup What is a Workgroup? (cont) – This workgroup is convening at the request of the CoP to further explore a topic or issue and develop a statement regarding the topic or solutions that address an issue. Therefore the workgroup is – Accountable to report back to the CoP regarding progress of work – Responsible for seeking guidance from the CoP and ONC facilitator as needed
Workforce CoP – Curriculum Alignment Workgroup What is a Workgroup? (cont) – Workgroup tasks may include but not be limited to: Research Assimilation and synthesis of resources/tools Original content development of resources and tools Revision/enhancement of existing standards, resources and tools Collaboration with other CoPs or workgroups
Workforce CoP – Curriculum Alignment Workgroup Curriculum Alignment – What does it mean to say curriculum alignment? – What is needed to ensure that the curriculum is meeting the market needs? Employer (RECs, Providers, Vendors, Consultants and Staffing companies) Employee (Incumbents versus new workforce) – What is needed to ensure that those continuing with the programs after the ending of the grant award in 2012 are sustainable?
Workforce CoP – Curriculum Alignment Workgroup Previously Identified Issues – The curriculum should be more closely aligned to meeting the employers’ needs. There is a gap between the skills that are taught in the programs and the skills needed in the workforce. – The job descriptions often do not have a clear-cut match to a specific, trained role. – Since there is a gap between the skills taught and the skill needed, community colleges could consider reinventing the curriculum.
Workforce CoP – Curriculum Alignment Workgroup Solutions/Ideas Previously Discussed – This workgroup should not replicate the curriculum or alignment process of the community college. – Community colleges should take a closer look at the different modules within the program: how the skills are being taught to students and how this translates to the job graduates are applying for. – To better prepare the students/graduates, survey them (in the program, once graduated, etc.). A possible deliverable coming out of this workgroup could be similar to the CalHIPSO survey tool. – The curriculum should be aligned to the workforce roles.
Workforce CoP – Curriculum Alignment Workgroup Next Steps – What are the decision points of the group? Leads/Co-leads SoW Note taking (assigned or rotating) – What are the actions items? – When will the workgroup reconvene? – What will the next workgroup meeting agenda include? – What will be reported out at the next CoP meeting? – Who will present these decision points/action items?