1 Workgroup #4: Marketing and Public Awareness Initial Recommendations
2 Workgroup #4: Contributors
3 Workgroup #4: Considerations Rising energy demands Greater consumer awareness and desire for behavior change Mandated savings goals for region needed Additional generating resources costly Support for recommendations coming from other NEET workgroups may be needed
4 Workgroup #4: Our Objectives Increase energy efficiency in the region Complement existing programs
5 Workgroup #4: What We’ve Done Inventoried existing programs throughout the region Shared best practices with each other Avoided reinventing the wheel Developed and delivered initial go-forward strategy for NEET executive committee Examined more than a dozen case studies (Power of One, Flex Your Power, One Thing, etc.) 4 in-person meetings; 3 phone conferences More than a dozen case studies harvested during process
6 Recommendation From Workgroup #4 Strategy and framework for region-wide, scalable marketing program
7 Go Forward Plan For Workgroup #4 Action item: Form 3 breakout subgroups to refine and deliver final strategy and recommendations: Group 1: Market Research Strategy – Group 2: Coordinated Marketing Effort Strategy – Group 3: Tools for easy execution in each market – Goal: The workgroups will outline recommendations for final deliverables
8 Group 1: Market Research Goal: Develop strategy and recommendations for research Leverage existing regional segmentation research Recommend benchmarks to measure effectiveness Collect region-wide data for both rural and urban centers and identify gaps Look for areas of opportunity to test prior to execution
9 Group 2: Coordinated Marketing Effort Goal: Develop marketing strategy and go- forward plan for overcoming coalition challenges Scale effort based on markets, geography and size of utility Coordinate with other NEET workgroups for implementation of marketing needs Build on existing best practices Define goals, strategies and metrics Recommend toolkit components for easy adoption (once marketing effort is defined)
10 Workgroup #4: Desired Outcome Increased energy efficiency for consumer, business and industrial customers Added value for existing marketing efforts to increase educational reach Broad support for effort from Northwest utilities, public sector, businesses and NGOs Behavior change through enhanced consumer awareness
11 Challenges for workgroup: What is the funding structure Where to house marketing effort How to address energy efficiency vs. renewables Will multiple campaigns be necessary What support is needed for workgroups #1-6 How should effort build on other energy and environmental concerns How to introduce a regional marketing effort for regions already branded
12 Next steps: Research group: Outline research requirements Deliver recommendations by mid-Dec. Timeline: Oct. 6 to Dec. 15 Regional marketing and tools group: Refine strategy and requirements for regional marketing effort Create framework for toolkit Deliver final recommendations by mid-Dec. Timeline: Oct. 6 to Dec. 15
Erin Holland Edelman Teri Duncan Bonneville Power Administration QUESTIONS?