Basic Skills Workgroup October 12, 2010 Basic Skills Workgroup Basic Skills/College Skills Definition: “Basic skills are those foundation skills in reading, writing, mathematics, & English as a Second Language, as well as learning skills & study skills, which are necessary for students to succeed in college-level work.” Source: Basic Skills as a Foundation for Student Success in California Community Colleges Report. March p.4.
Welcome and Introductions Basic Skills Workgroup
(Recent) History of Basic Skills Basic Skills Workgroup From The Basic Skills Initiative (BSI) was a grant funded initiative from the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office (CCCCO) which began in 2006 as part of the strategic planning process. Phase I of the project was completed in early 2007 with release of the report Basic Skills as a Foundation for Student Success in the California Community Colleges. Phase II: Provide training seminars to all 109 colleges on the Literature Review & how to complete their self-assessment evaluation & selection of implementation strategies for local program improvement of basic skills Phase III: Provide regional training seminars on in-depth topics such as integrating student services with academics
(Recent) History of Basic Skills Basic Skills Workgroup From The Academic Senate and the Office of Instruction solicited volunteers to a Basic Skills Initiative committee in Spring 2007, consisting of 35–40 staff, faculty and administrators from across the campus. During Winter Quarter, the four themed groups worked on specific recommendations stemming from the larger conversation about where to focus our efforts and new funding Each team presented their findings at a campus-wide meeting & some division meetings. The recommendations were compiled into the college skills action plan.
(Recent) History of Basic Skills Planning Update Feb 2010 From Building on this work, Peter and Paul presented to Roundtable with key ideas and recommendations: Inner and Outer College Connections to Workforce: Develop Career Paths, CTE Courses for College Skills Students, Noncredit Paths into CTE Courses Cohort grouping: with ongoing assessment & cross disciplinary Recognition that basic skills are a college-wide concern
(Recent) History of Basic Skills Basic Skills Workgroup From A College Skills Committee focused on their charge in the four areas of: organization/administration, program design, staff development, and instructional practice. The committee was led by 2 faculty who were released to lead two projects: a study of best tutorial/learning center practices at California Community Colleges & a learning communities project. Members of the Tutorial project presented to PaRC on June 2, 2010 and recommended that the Basic Skills efforts be tied closer to PaRC, since it is a primary mission of the college, and is a best practice according to the literature.
Basic Skills Workgroup Goals Review and improve matriculation processes and procedures as they apply to Basic Skills students. Create and support innovative learning communities that strengthen partnerships between instructional divisions and student services. Support the college in providing tutorial services specifically targeted to Basic Skills students, integrating best practices. Assist the Language Arts division as they create an Integrated Reading and Writing (IRW) course and review the English as a Second Language (ESL) course sequence to improve success of Basic Skills students. Align Professional Development offerings to support best practices in Basic Skills education. Basic Skills Workgroup
Planning and Tasks Who do we need here to accomplish our goals? Who do we need to connect with on campus? Where should we look for Basic Skills needs? Basic Skills Workgroup
Going Forward Presentation to PaRC next week: Ideas? Our next meeting - November 9, same time, same place Anything else? Basic Skills Workgroup