1 Effort Reporting Workgroup Update ERS Forum Training Session First ERS Forum sessions were held last week with attendance of over 200 total individuals from campus Developed to meet the need for training at all levels, based on feedback from campus, and to provide a forum for communication for ERS Coordinators and Fund managers with effort reporting responsibilities Goal was to reduce system, policy and training barriers to 100% on-time completion as well as provide information and tools for success Provided a demo and overview of the new ERS Detail report which will be available to assist with effort reporting by quickly verifying payroll Presentation from the ERS Forum will be posted online at the following link for review, it also contains valuable links for further assistance:
2 Effort Reporting Workgroup Update Multiple Appointments Payroll and UPAY justifications Cost Sharing Back to Basics System Updates Best Practices Dept challenges to 100% completion Pay source incorrect Reports re-opened by the system Multi-line certifications Partially certified reports K/F awards NIH Salary Cap 9/12 Appointments Overtime/Part-time employment Adjusted effort total does not equal 100% Open reports on closed awards Topics to be discussed in future ERS Forum sessions
3 Effort Reporting Workgroup Update EFM will be visiting individuals departments to help work through the open effort reports Plan to visit 5-6 departments per quarter that have the largest number of open reports and/or the lowest certification rates Sharing best practices between departments After documenting the common issues and fixes for certifying reports, EFM has an ERS FAQ that they continue to update: If you are interested in setting up a meeting with EFM, please
4 Effort Reporting Workgroup Update Effort Reporting Issue Dates and Deadlines for Certification QuarterRelease DateDue Date Summer 2009April 15, 2010June 4, 2010 Fall 2009April 15, 2010June 4, 2010 Winter 2010Mid August 2010Early October 2010 Spring 2010Mid August 2010Early October 2010 Campus Goals for Effort Reporting Summer and Fall 09 Reports: 100% complete by June 4 deadline Past Due Reports: 75% complete by September, 95%+ complete by December
Effort Reporting Workgroup Update Effort Reporting Website ERS Training Modules For effort reporting assistance or questions: RAPID Closeout Tool for ERS Detail Report (available May 14 th ) Link, including instructions, will be distributed to campus via the ORA listserv this week
6 Effort Reporting Workgroup Update Team of 19 representatives from Central, ORA, and Campus ORA Marcia Smith EFM Evelyn Balabis Maurice Taylor Connie Brown Tsegaye Teshome Paula Dion ORIS Gloria Su RPC Ann Pollack General Accounting Pixie Ogren Huron Nate Haines Sarah Horner Allison Philabaum Campus Departments Lilit Amirkhanyan Veronica Hale Annette Klufas Raellen Man Shannon McGarry Martha Riemer Cathy Rujanuruks