Roni Argetsinger Technology Manager Diocese of Des Moines Beth Wilson Parish Secretary St. Patrick, Council Bluffs, Iowa Working With Workgroups
There are two ways to access Family WorkGroups, this is the way through the "Member Screen."
The other way to access Family Workgroups is through "Family Directory."
This display will appear after opening Family WorkGroups either through the module tab or the member screen.
To set up a new Group, click on "Add a new WorkGroup.“ Name your new Group by typing what you want to name it in the 'box' and “Enter.” Your new WorkGroup will be alphabetically added to the list.
This is where you click to start adding members to your WorkGroup.
This is where you will add members to the WorkGroup after you clicked “Add." Your Family Directory listing comes up and that's how you look up the Family you want to add.
You can send an message using the ParishSOFT functionality to the entire Workgroup. View Recipients to see what addresses will receive the message. Or, you can an individual in the Workgroup.
You can create Microsoft Word merge documents to send written correspondence to the entire Workgroup, or individual members of the Workgroup. You must choose a previously created Template, or use one from the ParishSOFT Template file.
Merge data from your ParishSOFT database into the Word Document.
This screen will appear when you have gone to "Reports," and clicked on WorkGroups. You can pick "mailing labels," "Print Report," or "File Folder."
AIM Family Directory: Family Workgroups
Parish / Organization Level Workgroups
Family Level Workgroups Questions?
After opening the Time & Talent Module, click on the 'Create/Edit Lookup Tables‘ to create your new Group.
Use these tabs to help create your Group. Click the 'add' button to name your group under the ‘Ministry Group’ tab.
Separate sub-categories within your Group under the ‘Ministries’ tab.
If you do not need sub-categories, you MUST enter “N/A”.
To include different times or days for your group, list them in the “Event” tab.
If you do not need different times or days, you must enter “N/A”.
To add a person into a Group, you can add from their member screen.
Choose the Group by clicking on the down arrow.
Click on the 'Accept' button then 'OK' to add the member.
Or, add members to a ministry through the Time & Talent Module. Click on “Ministers Directory”
Then, search for and “Add New Minister.”
Now in 'Reports‘, choose which Group you wish to work with by clicking the down arrow.
This is an example if you had picked 'mailing labels' from the Reports screen, notice that it is a label with just the individual's name, not the family.
This is an example of what the 'report' looks like from the Reports screen.
ParishSOFT AIM Diocesan Directory
ParishSOFT AIM Diocesan Directory Workgroups
Questions? Roni Argetsinger Technology Manager Diocese of Des Moines (515) Beth Wilson Parish Secretary St. Patrick, Council Bluffs, Iowa (Diocese of Des Moines) (712)