OHS&W Committee Training
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OHS&W Committee Training THE COMMITTEE A group of people with a common goal, working together to achieve their aim The Health and Safety Committee aims for the provision of a safe, healthy workplace
OHS&W Committee Training A health and safety committee may establish one or more sub-committees to assist it in performing its functions [Act: 31(2)]. Sub-committees can deal with specific issues or perform one or more of the committee's functions SUB COMMITTEES
OHS&W Committee Training COMPOSITION of the COMMITTEE At least 50% of the Committee must be employees One management representative with the authority to act on behalf of the employer, and where appropriate, to approve and implement OHS strategies agreed by the Committee. Reflect the make-up of the workplace
OHS&W Committee Training THE CHAIRPERSON The person best suited to the role - elected for 12 months Provides leadership Liaises with the executive officer/secretary in the preparation of the agenda Endorses the minutes of the previous meeting Promotes the profile of the committee
OHS&W Committee Training THE EXECUTIVE OFFICER Works closely with the chairperson and secretary Receives updated reports from working parties Receives correspondence Ensures follow-up action Prepares for the meeting
OHS&W Committee Training THE SECRETARY Keeps the committee’s records Works with the chairperson and executive officer Prepares and distributes the draft minutes Takes minutes Organises facilities
OHS&W Committee Training Add agenda items Develop motions for consideration and advice Represent their workgroup Table reports Move, second and vote on motions Contribute to discussions ROLE of the COMMITTEE MEMBERS
OHS&W Committee Training HOW DOES A COMMITTEE WORK? Follow a formal agenda Defined by the committee’s Terms of Reference Listening Speaking clearly Offering a safe forum for discussion and consultation Keep minutes/records of meetings
OHS&W Committee Training ROLE OF HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEES Forum for consultation and discussion Monitor trends and provide advice on preventative strategies Assisting in the resolution of OHS&W issues Assisting in the development, review and dissemination to employees of OHS&W practices, procedures and policies.
OHS&W Committee Training FUNCTIONS from THE OHS&W ACT 1986 Development of policy Consultation and cooperation Resolution of issues Establish sub-committees Monitor and review OHS plans, targets and programs
OHS&W Committee Training FUNCTIONS OF THE COMMITTEE Committees involvement in resolving health and safety issues
OHS&W Committee Training MEETINGS Meet at least once every three months Extra meetings on request (conditional) According to agenda and Terms of Reference
OHS&W Committee Training ESTABLISHING A HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE Upon request by 5 or more employees By management Composition by agreement between management and employees providing that at least 50% are employees Should represent a cross section of employees Should include any relevant health and safety representative
OHS&W Committee Training TERMS OF REFERENCE Frequency of meetings Membership, roles, office holders, budget Chairing of meetings and decision making Managing items of business Dispute resolution Vacancies
OHS&W Committee Training OHS&W REGULATIONS 1995, DIVISION 6.2 Membership Qualification of Section 31 of the OHS&W Act Provisions; for example, terms of office, disqualification Notification
OHS&W Committee Training DECS CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEES Worksite/workgroup committees, Level 1 District committees, Level 2 State Consultative Committee, Level 3
OHS&W Committee Training REFERENCES OHS&W Act 1986 OHS&W Regulations, 1995 WorkCover – Committee info_ notes, 2004 WorkCover – Workplace Health and Safety Handbook, Revised edition, July 2002 Committee Training Guidance Notes, Health and Safety Services, DECS SA Health Commission OHS&W Committee Trainer’s Course, 1994 Produced by Health & Safety Services – DECS, May 2005