PDMP & HITI Solution Planning Workgroup Session June 12, 2014
Agenda 1.Solution Planning Approach 2.Questions to be Answered 3.Relevant Workflows 4.Evaluation of Proposed Solutions
Solution Planning Work Group Approach 1. Overlay standards currently in general use per transaction - focus on transactions for integrated solutions 3. For each alternate workflow, propose solutions for harmonizing standards in order to pull PDMP information into EHR or Pharm. IT Systems synchronously 2. Document pros and cons for each proposed solution and prioritize in terms of technical feasibility Develop Technical Architecture Can EHRs and Pharmacy ITs handle proposed Standards? Report findings to Community
- 4 - Controlled Substance History Report, Integration Architecture Drivers TO: Easy, timely, consistent access to reliable PDMP data FROM: Pervasive challenges to access data within clinical workflows As-Is Architecture Segmented conceptual framework for data exchange Varying solution practices Varying state requirements and source ownership (e.g., authorization, authentication protocols) Flexible interstate data sharing and intermediaries facilitating open data exchange for authorized users Constraints on cost for Δ in source data architecture Constraints on ease of implementation of foreign standards in established functional models/frameworks To-Be Design Principles Congruent data / message formats across integration sites Compatible with established PMIX-NIEM architecture Ability to support various front-end capabilities Ability to integrate within existing technical systems and evolve to support regulatory/technology changes Health Information Exchanges Data harmonization and structuring of a data integration layer Interstate Data sharing Hubs Continuous improvement of real time reporting Vision Architecture Drivers Controlled Substance History Information Needs
- 5 - Integrated PDMP Data Exchange Architecture Solution Plan - Multi -Level Standards State PDMPs EHREMR User Interface (Presentation) Health IT / Clinical Databases Data Harmonization Source Systems Recommendation/Notes Pharmacy IT Out of scope - however… User access modes important to consider in standards selection. Modules within ambulatory and enterprise in- patient EHRs vary. Where would the interface be most effective? Define a comprehensive query-response strategy aligned to both EHRs and Pharmacy IT systems compatible with state PDMP architecture/regulations and intermediary capabilities/infrastructure. Defined standards architecture based on source data framework: PMIX-NIEM. Metadata transformations, routing PDMP Med History Architecture Pharm. Int / HIEs Establish standard data models and an approach for data harmonization; achieve standard and consistent data in this layer for query-response while addressing the source system layer in parallel. Translations are essential for compatible standards to interoperate. Hubs Translation / Transformation ePrescribing CDS PMS Functions Med History/ Reconciliation Internal Med Orders HIE/PDMPs (Nebraska) Other Medication History Sources (eg. PBMs) Data Extraction / Transformation HL7 SCRIPT SCRIPT ASAP PMIX PMIX
Questions to be answered: How do we define intermediaries and their relationships to Health IT systems? o Can we collapse all types of intermediaries into one entity? (i.e. pharmacy, switch, HIE, etc.) or do they require to be differentiated o Pharmacies may have need for intermediaries – concerns regarding cost to leverage intermediaries or network services o Future state use of intermediaries or networks to provide controlled substance history reports Can Pharmacy IT systems and EHR systems be collapsed or need to be differentiated? o Differences in pharmacy and clinician workflows / data systems and expectations in PDMP data transmitted? Differences in care settings - Ambulatory vs. Acute; In-hospital pharmacies vs. retail pharmacies. Are different standards needed for different EHR systems or different pharmacy settings? Are there certain workflows that are unfavorable?
Relevant Workflows Current Landscape Proposed Solution Set EHR In-State PDMP Pharmacy In-State PDMP EHR Intermediary In-State PDMP Pharmacy Intermediary In-State PDMP EHR Hub PDMP (s) Pharmacy Hub PDMP(s) EHR Intermediary Hub PDMP(s) Pharmacy Intermediary Hub PDMP(s) EHR In-State PDMP Hub PDMP(s) Pharmacy In-State PDMP Hub PDMP(s) EHR In-State PDMP Pharmacy In-State PDMP EHR Intermediary* Pharmacy Intermediary EHR Hub Pharmacy Hub 1.Aligns to in-scope Use Case scenarios 2.Approach may require translation mapping between ASAP, NCPDP SCRIPT Medication History, and H L7 V2 Messaging to PMIX Architecture 3.Implementation Guide will have to include data element modifications/additions to fully support PDMP & HITI Use Case requirements *Intermediary - An entity (service, or set of services) that routes the transaction to a receiving entity. May perform value added services such as translating data from one format to another Legend Proposed Potential Remove
Evaluate Proposed Solutions Solution Plan:
Next Steps Review: Transaction and solution evaluations Next All Hands meeting is Tuesday, 6/17 from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm ET o Data Elements Analysis Next Solution Plan Workgroup Session is Thursday, 6/19 from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm ET o Continue Workflow – Standards Evaluations o Evaluate prioritization of proposed solutions o Goal: Finalization of solution set Reminder: All PDMP & HIT Integration Announcements, Meeting Schedules, Agendas, Minutes, Reference Materials, Harmonization materials, Use Case, Project Charter and general information will be posted on the PDMP Wiki page – mepage mepage