Iowa SIM Design Grant June 19, 2013
SIM Design Grant State Innovation Model Initiative: –IME submitted an application on 9/24/2012 on behalf of the Governor’s office –Award Date Feb 2013 – Effective 4/1/2013 –Potential round two for design awardees in Fall of /26/20132
State Health Care Innovation Plan “Plan & Funding” Six month CMS grant to design, including request for second grant Submitted by DHS on behalf of Governor Stakeholder participation important CMS seeking multi-payor, broad-based delivery system reform Requested $1.4 million Contractor support: Data Analytics Technical Assistance Actuarial Services Project Management 2/7/20123
State Health Care Innovation Plan “Goal & Strategies” GOAL: Reduce the rate of growth in health care costs for the state as a whole to the Consumer Price Index within 3 years. The goals of the ACO organization are more aggressive, to reduce costs by 5-8% within 3 years. Value-based reimbursement-ACO Expand on ACO methodology to integrate long-term care and community based services that are high cost for Medicaid Engage members in their own health 2/7/20124
SIM Activities April – September 2013 Stakeholder Workgroups and Listening Sessions Develop a State Health Care Innovation Plan (SHIP) Develop a Model Testing Proposal –Potential for a SIM Testing Grant award 04/16/20125
Stakeholder Process Appointees within each workgroup will help to inform the three SIM Strategies for the SHIP Appointments will be finalized by end of April, working with DHS and Governor’s office 4/16/20136 SIM Advisory Committee Metrics and Contracting Design Workgrouip Long Term Care Integration Design Workgroup Mental Health / Substance Abuse Design Workgroup Member Health Engagement Workgroup Consumer Focus Workgroup
Stakeholder Process Listening Sessions: Conducted by DHS for key stakeholder groups including, but not limited to: 04/16/20137 Learning Sessions in person and via Webinar Local listening Sessions across Iowa Meet with Consumer Groups Meet with other Advisory Councils, including MAAC Presentations or meetings as requested
Medicaid ACO Website April 18 th Kick-off Learning Session April 25 th NASHP Event June 17 th LTC Learning Session 04/16/20138
Questions? Marni Bussell SIM Project Director Iowa Department of Human Services /7/20129