™ Infections Due to Devices Improvement Collaborative: UHC CAUTI Workgroup Coaching Call # 8 April 24, 2013, 2:30 PM EST Dial in: Passcode:
™ Teleconference Agenda Welcome and Introductions Project Activities and Other Items Learning Session 2 Meeting Debrief Additional Items 1
™ Welcome and Introductions
CAUTI Workgroup SMEs and Guests 3 Linda R. Greene, RN, MPS, CIC Director of Infection Prevention Rochester General Health System Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) CAUTI Extended Faculty Ian Jenkins, MD Health Sciences Associate Professor of Medicine, UCSD CAUTI Extended Faculty
™ Project Activities and Other Items
™ 5 Workgroup Timeline 5 You are here
CAUTI DATA REQUIREMENTS: Process and Outcomes Data 6 Process data and outcomes data collection resumes in May We are in the Sustainability Period of the project During this period, data collection on all elements listed above on a less frequent basis Complete Team Check Up Tool in April for Q1 of 2013
™ Learning Session 2 Debrief
8 What worked best at the Learning Session meeting in Chicago? In the event that we conducted an additional Learning Session, what would you change or advise we do differently?
Learning Session 2 Debrief 9 Which meeting topic(s) resonated most with you and your team? Was there information shared by other sites that was of particular value or interest to your site?
10 Learning Session 2 Debrief How can we use the HMX tool to facilitate information and resource sharing? Are there other tools which might foster collaboration?
™ Action Items
™ 12 Action Items: Activities for Completion in Sustainability Period Key activities that you have or will complete include: Data Collection according to schedule Continue Staff Education National Content Calls On-Site Learning Session Monthly Updates
™ 13 Action Items: Monthly Status Report CAUTI Workgroup Monthly Status Updates Send an with an update on your CAUTI rates and: Quickly communicate progress Identify barriers to success Identify successes to share Please complete by the last business day of each month
™ 14 Coaching Call Schedule Next scheduled call: May 22, :30 PM Eastern
™ SHM Project Manager Contact Information Jenna Goldstein, MA Sr. Project Manager, SHM (267)