New York State Workforce Investment Board Healthcare Workforce Development Subcommittee Planning Grant 10-284 Overview.


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Presentation transcript:

New York State Workforce Investment Board Healthcare Workforce Development Subcommittee Planning Grant Overview

Affordable Care Act With passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) and resultant expansion of health insurance to previously uninsured or underinsured populations, the demand for health care professionals will substantially increase.

Multi-faceted Strategy to Expand Primary Care Workforce Under ACA Increase access to providers in underserved areas – expand National Health Service Corps Focus on career training – USDOL funding efforts to develop career pathways in healthcare industry Expand tax benefits to health professionals working in underserved areas – exclude student loans from taxes if working in underserved areas Build primary care capacity through Medicare and Medicaid – funding slots for primary care physicians Provide financial assistance for students

HRSA Planning and Implementation Grants ACA created Prevention and Public Health Fund – FFY $250M used to: Create additional residency slots ($168M) Support physician assistant training in primary care ($32M) Increase number of nurse practitioners trained ($30M) Establish nurse practitioner led clinics ($15M) Encourage states to plan for and address health professional workforce needs ($5M)

Purpose and Goals of HRSA’s Workforce Development Planning and Implementation Grants Purpose: provide resources to states to complete state level comprehensive healthcare workforce development planning to address health workforce shortages. Assess healthcare workforce supply and demand within states and nationally to identify key shortage areas. Develop uniform data collection across States on licensed health professionals. Encourage states to develop plans to expand their primary care Full Time Equivalent (FTE) health care workforce by between 10 – 25% over ten (10) years to meet the expected demand for health care services.

Required Activities for a Planning Grant The State partnership must carry out all of the following activities: Analyze state labor market information in order to create healthcare career pathways for students and adults, including dislocated workers; Identify current and projected state or regional high demand healthcare occupations within the state for purposes of planning career pathways;

Required Activities - continued Identify existing resources to recruit, educate or train, and retain a skilled healthcare workforce and strengthen partnerships; Describe the academic and healthcare industry skill standards for high school graduation, for entry into postsecondary education, and for various credentials and licensure; Describe State secondary and postsecondary education and training policies, models or practices for the healthcare sector; including career information and guidance.

Required Activities - continued Identify Federal or State policies or rules that act as barriers to developing a coherent and comprehensive health care workforce development strategy and a plan to resolve these barriers. Participate in programmatic evaluation and reporting activities.

NY’s Proposal Establish Healthcare Workforce Development Subcommittee (HWDS) Hire HWDS Coordinator to keep project on track Contract with The Center for Health Workforce Studies to conduct specialized study for the project Establish workgroups to accomplish key requirements of the grant

Proposed Workgroups Healthcare Credentials: inventory credentials and licensing requirements of selected healthcare occupations, describe the competencies and identify promising practices. Asset Mapping: map Federal, State and private resources that can be used to recruit, educate, train or retain individuals in selected healthcare occupations. Career Pathways: identify career pathways associated with selected occupations – prepare inventory of existing training and education programs to support pathways – identify gaps. Healthcare Rules and Regulations: identify Federal and State rules/regulations that inhibit comprehensive healthcare workforce development and make recommendations to address.

Time Line September 30, 2010 through September 28, 2011 BUT must have completed all requirements for planning grant before eligible to apply for implementation grant. Anticipate due date to apply for implementation grants will be mid-July 2011.

Implementation Grants Average Grant: $1,500,000 per year for two years with the possibility of a third year for high achieving projects An eligible State partnership receiving an implementation grant must: Identify and convene regional leadership to discuss opportunities to engage in statewide health care workforce development planning, including the potential use of competitive grants to improve the development, distribution, and diversity of the regional health care workforce; the alignment of curricula for health care careers; and the access to quality career information and guidance and education and training opportunities;

Implementation grants - continued In consultation with regional leaders, take appropriate steps to reduce Federal, State, or local barriers to a comprehensive and coherent strategy, including changes in State or local policies to foster coherent and comprehensive health care workforce development activities; and Develop a statewide strategy that addresses short- and long-term healthcare workforce development supply versus demand. At least 60% of funds must be competitively awarded by the State partnership to encourage regional partnerships to address health workforce development needs. Each State must provide a match of 25% of the amount of the grant to carry out the activities supported by the grant.

Timelines for Planning Grant Performance BenchmarkTarget Date 1. Completion of an analysis of health care labor market information March 15, Identification of current and projected high demand health care occupations within NYS March 15, Identification of existing Federal, State, and private resources (asset mapping) April 15, Completion of a description of the academic and health care industry skill standards March 15, Completion of a description of the State secondary and postsecondary education and training policies, models, or practices for the health care sector June 15, Identification of barriers and development of resolution plan June 15, 2011

Next Steps Select Date for January meeting (conference call capability available) Become familiar with materials in folders Identify potential workgroup members Consider workgroup structure, workgroup charges, chairs, schedule of meetings

Proposed Agenda for January meeting : Elect Chair/Co-Chair for HWDS Establish work groups: –Chairs, Co-Chairs –Workgroup Charges –Schedule of meetings Identify healthcare occupations for the focus of the planning grant Discuss healthcare survey options for the Center for Health Workforce Studies Factor in process/effort to apply for implementation grant