VISION: All eligible facilities in Ontario receive the Baby-Friendly Initiative designation and other supporting facilities practice according to Baby-Friendly Initiative standards. MISSION: To protect, promote and support breastfeeding in the province of Ontario through adoption, implementation and maintenance of the practice standards of the Baby-Friendly Initiative. GOALS: To increase the number of hospitals and community health services involved in the implementation of the Baby-Friendly Initiative. To increase the number of Baby-Friendly Initiative (BFI ) designated hospitals and community health services. To support Baby-Friendly Initiative designated hospitals and community health services to maintain their Baby-Friendly Initiative designation. Baby- Friendly Initiative Ontario - Logic Model/ Strategic Plan Long- term Objectives Target Population Long-term Indicators Encourage membership and active roles in BFIO. Provide opportunities for members to represent BFIO at BFI Celebrations. Support BCC with funding from membership bundling. Partner with Health Nexus to develop BFI Common Message resource. Explore models of education/template. Assist with OPHA BF Promotion Workgroup resource development. Key informants associated with local, provincial and national breastfeeding coalitions and groups BCC P/T Implementation Committee BFI in Community Health Services Committee Health professional interest groups & organizations Health care providers Social services & support agencies Government agencies & policy makers Social science, social services and health faculty staff Support hospitals &public health units to implement BFI Best Practice Maintain formal communication between government rep & BFIO Recruit membership from diverse professional backgrounds. Meet with policy and decision makers. Do an environmental scan for common coalitions. Activities For example but not limited to: Registered Nurses Pharmacists Registered Dieticians Physicians Lactation consultants Doulas Advocacy initiatives in collaboration with key stakeholders. Ongoing representation on the BCC P/T BFI implementation committee. Provincial Strategy Revision /Update and distribution Liaise with OPHA Breastfeeding Promotion Workgroup, RNAO and others. Update Ontario BFI Progress Report. ( ? Provincial Strategy) Liaison with professional organizations. Network with health care providers, social service and support agencies. To provide input to government agencies when opportunities arise. Strengthen relationship with public health and hospitals. The Ottawa Charter & the Baby- Friendly Initiative Building Healthy Policy BFI Step 1, WHO Code Creating Supportive Environments BFI Step 2,6,7,9, WHO Code Strengthening Community Action BFI Step 3,10 Developing Personal Skills BFI Steps 4,5,8 Reorientation Health Services BFI Step 1,2, 10 Hospitals Community Health services Provincial Ministries Website- Organize resources in 10 Step format, include BCC definitions &BFI process Host BFI EXPO 2013/ Capacity Building Day. Participate in Provincial data collection workgroup. Share lessons learned from epi perspective to interested families. Explore opportunities for BORN data usage for BFI in Ontario. Inform i.e.. HBHC issues formalize to review. To provide guidance for facilities working to achieve BFI designation. To act as the contact between health facilities and the BCC for all matters related to the Pre-assessment and External Assessment process. Participants are aware of the process of BFI designation and to contact OBC as the first step. Professionals access BFI Ontario resources, problem solving and mentor leadership. Increased capacity and utilization of BFI resource people in Ontario. Government agencies and policy makers contact for BFI input. BFI Ontario will provide guidance/ review in health care issues To support the work of local and regional coalitions and facilities in their efforts to promote the Baby Friendly Initiative Provincial government assists to collect data reflective of BFI Accreditation requirements. Ongoing educational and advocacy activities hosted by Baby Friendly Initiative Ontario (BFIO) Social media especially website used to share information. Increasing number of health services initiating processes towards adoption of the BFI. Build Capacity to support BFI implementation and sustainability. Support Community Health Services and Hospital BFI groups Website, newsletter and other media. Educational Opportunities- BFI EXPO 2013 Invite regional coalitions to showcase work. Maintain and share resources on members only site. Mobilize resource team. Develop OBC BFI Celebration package Media Provincial perinatal data collection groups Designated facilities and facilities in process of designation Epidemiologists within health service sectors To facilitate access to BFI educational events and resources. To establish link to BORN to increase reliability of data. April 2012