How MassONE is being used in the classroom Technology Department Springfield Public Schools
Workgroup Home/Announcement page of pboylan classroom workgroup
Online Course Modules developed for: All levels Specific topics in alignment with state standards and district curriculum guides Classroom resources or supplement work for homebound students
Modules posted on MassONE in the VHDs of Workgroups Springfield School District workgroup Springfield On-Line Course Modules workgroup – Used as resources by teachers and students Individual teacher’s classroom workgroup – used as an online learning experience (giving teachers more control over forums and announcement pages)
VHD of Springfield On-Line Course Modules
Modules were created and posted in two ways: A website was created – Uploaded to district server – Upload URL to workgroup’s VHD – Upload Assessments Word documents were created – for each session – uploaded and organized into separate folders in the workgroup’s VHD
1.Create a website including individual pages for each session 2.Upload to District Server 3.Upload the URL to MassONE’s VHD of specific workgroup 4.Upload assessment Using HTML/HTML Editor software
1.Using a word processing software application 2.Create individual sessions using a word processing software application 3.Upload to workgroup’s VHD organized by folders word processing software Using word processing software
Sample of module overview
Sample of individualLesson
MassONE Curriculum Tools
Example of a Survey