The Platform can be accessed at: (you can use Explorer, Firefox, etc:) Accessing the platform: This page will appear: On the left side of the page is the Login Area. You can access the system here. Certain functions of the system may only be used after logging in. For logging in write your username and password into the Login Area. Click on the Login button.
Login: After logging in, the user name and the login time will appear in the Login Area By clicking onto the My settings button, the password and the address may be changed
When you have changed your details, click on the Save button. My settings: To get back to the Main page click on the Back button.
Workgroups: To select a working group, click on the appropriate Workgroups button on the left. To move between working groups just simply click on another workgroup button. Click on the Click here to get back to Global to return to global function.
Communication: To start a communication, click on the Communication button and this page appears. You can choose from two types of communication: Local communication: Here you can communicate with your own WG members. Global communication: Here you can communicate with the members of all the WGs. You can see the communications of all the WGs you belong to.
Local communication: By clicking on the local topic group this page appears. To start a new topic click on the New button.
Local communication: Name: Give a title to your topic Language: English Status: Select ”active” Auto-notice: To get confirmation tick the appropriate box.
If you select YES, everyone can see your communication within your WG. Public: If you select NO, only the selected people can see your communication. Recipients: Select the names you want to send your message to. You can write your communication in the box at the bottom. When you finish, click on the Save button!! By clicking on the List button, you can get back to the previous page. Local communication:
You can read a message by clicking on the name of the message you would like to read.
Local communication: To comment on a message write in the Add New Comment box. Files and/or photos may also be attached by clicking onto the Browse button. When you have finished, click on the Send button. By clicking on the List button, you can get back to the previous page.
Global communication: By clicking on the global topic group this page appears. To start a new topic click on the New button.
Global communication: Name: Give a title to your topic Language: English Status: Select ”active” Auto-notice: To get confirmation tick the appropriate box.
If you select YES, everyone in the system can see your communication. Public: If you select NO, only the selected people can see your communication. Recipients: Select the names you want to send your message to. You can write your communication in the box at the bottom. When you finish, click on the Save button!! By clicking on the List button, you can get back to the previous page. Global communication:
You can read a message by clicking on the name of the message you would like to read.
Global communication: To comment on a message write in the Add New Comment box. Files and/or photos may also be attached by clicking onto the Browse button. When you have finished click on the Send button. By clicking on the List button, you can get back to the previous page.
Calendar: By clicking on the Calendar and Event List View buttons this page appears. It gives an overview of all the events grouped by months.
Calendar: By clicking on the Calendar and Calendar View buttons this page appears. It displays the events taking place in the selected month.
Download center: By clicking on the Download Center button this page appears. This is where the uploaded documents and files can be viewed.
Logout: By clicking onto the Logout button you can leave the system.