Leo Grassi Instructional Communications Officer Navy Medicine MPT&E * * Skype/Twitter: reachleo AIM Metadata Requirements / Business Rules Integrated Process Team The Saga Continues: An Analysis of Schema and Conventions
IPT Charter Purpose *auto-generate metadata by capturing the most meaningful data from AIM (or adding fields to AIM) *define metadata that applies across a course level [course, module, lesson, section] *manually enter metadata *determine the best way to support user friendly completion of metadata requirements
Work/progress since May ’09 FRB *Action item: facilitate Center review of current CPM/LO Module metadata vocabularies and use cases to get user-defined requirements and processes (by 12 July) *AIM LO Module Web demo OCT 09 *Navy Medicine MPT&E workgroup
Depicting the challenge…
Applications EADE – marginally accessible via LO Module/CPM. Conventions Roles – Instructional Designers, SMEs, videographers, graphic designers Controlled Vocabularies – in CPM only? Annotation methods – Limitations encountered with AIM metadata built- in taxonomy.
Recommendations *Center-conducted use cases *Across-Center Business rule consensus on schema strategy *Define EADE IMR engine query logic (simple search/Boolean/Proximity/combination) *Incorporate /expound language defining requirements in NAVETRA 130 / Metadata Guide *Use CPM instructional design comments to automate schema 5, 8 categories *Borrow from DAM construct