Stress & Accents…en Español Spanish I, CH – 4A
RULE - #1 RULE - #1 –When words end in a vowel, the letter “n” or the letter “s”, the natural stress is on the next-to-last syllable. EXAMPLES: Joven, Computadora, Trabajo, Piscina, Amigos La Pronunciación
RULE - #2 RULE - #2 –When words end in a consonant (except “n” or “s”), then the natural stress is on the last syllable. EXAMPLES: Profesor, Arroz, Comer, Español, Hotel, Hablar La Pronunciación
RULES - #3 RULES - #3 –When a word has a written accent, you place the stress on the accented syllable. EXAMPLES: Café, Número, Lápiz, Película, Fácil, Perú, Inglés La Pronunciación
La Práctica Each Spanish word is separated into syllables. Determine which syllable is correctly underlined where a spoken emphasis is pronounced. Each Spanish word is separated into syllables. Determine which syllable is correctly underlined where a spoken emphasis is pronounced. 1. trabajoA) tra-ba-joB) tra-ba-joC) tra-ba-jo 2. aprendenA) a-pren-den B) a-pren-den C) a-pren-den 3. españolA) es-pa-ñolB) es-pa-ñolC) es-pa-ñol 4. plátanosA) plá-ta-nosB) plá-ta-nosC) plá-ta-nos 5. generalmenteA) ge-ne-ral-men-te B) ge-ne-ral-men-teC) ge-ne-ral-men-te