Electrons are shared or exchanged between elements This is an exothermic process (energy is released) Both elements are more stable than they were before the bond formed (have 8 valence electrons)
The atoms are separated into individual components Endothermic process (takes an input of energy to do this) If I want to break up anything, I need to input energy into the process!!!!
Bonds formed by the exchange of electrons between a metal and a non-metal Metals give away valence electrons Non-Metals Take the valence electrons Form strong bonds between elements, and strong compounds Based upon the differences in electronegativity between the elements
Combination of metal-non-metal Two components are required to form any ionic compound 1. Cation 2. Anion
Have a positive charge Are metal elements Lose electrons Always written first in the compound formula Ex: Sodium Chloride NaCl
Always are formed from the non-metal element Gain Electrons Negative Charge Last in the compound formula and name Always have an “ide” ending Ex: Sodium Chloride NaCl
Formed from a metal/non-metal Strong bonds High melting and High Boiling Point due to bond strength Solids at room temperature (crystalline) Dissolve in water (polar) Conduct a current when dissolved in water but not when solid.
Formed by the exchange of electrons All elements have a noble gas configuration when the bonding process is finished (8 valence electrons)
Ionic Solid
Ionic Solid Dissolving In Water