Elasticity of Ferro- Periclase Through the High Spin - Low Spin Transition J. Michael Brown - University of Washington Jonathan Crowhurst - Lawrence Livernmore Lab. Alexander Goncharov - Geophysical Lab. Steven Jacobsen - Northwestern University J. Michael Brown - University of Washington Jonathan Crowhurst - Lawrence Livernmore Lab. Alexander Goncharov - Geophysical Lab. Steven Jacobsen - Northwestern University
Summary (Three Major Topics) Mantle Tomography: Why are slabs hard to image in the lower mantle? Do not penetrate? Off-setting chemical and thermal effects? High spin - low spin transition? Mantle Tomography: Why are slabs hard to image in the lower mantle? Do not penetrate? Off-setting chemical and thermal effects? High spin - low spin transition?
Summary (Three Major Topics) Mantle Tomography: Why are slabs hard to image in the lower mantle? Do not penetrate? Off-setting chemical and thermal effects? High spin - low spin transition? Mantle Tomography: Why are slabs hard to image in the lower mantle? Do not penetrate? Off-setting chemical and thermal effects? High spin - low spin transition?
Physics of the High spin low spin transition Outstanding experimental data Robust macroscopic thermodynamic theory Physics of the High spin low spin transition Outstanding experimental data Robust macroscopic thermodynamic theory
New measurements of sound velocities through the HS-LS transition Some experimental details All elastic constants determined to 63 GPa Help validate the macroscopic thermodynamic description Support idea that thermal anomalies have small velocity perturbations in lower mantle New measurements of sound velocities through the HS-LS transition Some experimental details All elastic constants determined to 63 GPa Help validate the macroscopic thermodynamic description Support idea that thermal anomalies have small velocity perturbations in lower mantle
Less structure in lower mantle A possible connection to the high-spin low-spin transition “Using the best mineral physics data, slabs should be visible in seismic images of the mid lower mantle - that they are not seen is somewhat surprising” Guy Masters 2006 AGU meeting
Physics of the High spin to Low spin Transition
High spin - low spin iron Transition is Intrinsically non-1 st order Readily described by robust macroscopic thermodynamics Characterized by H = E + P V Associated with anomalies in physical properties Transition is Intrinsically non-1 st order Readily described by robust macroscopic thermodynamics Characterized by H = E + P V Associated with anomalies in physical properties
Truly exciting both in terms of High pressure physics and chemistry Understanding Earth’s mantle But - some re-appraisals are needed Truly exciting both in terms of High pressure physics and chemistry Understanding Earth’s mantle But - some re-appraisals are needed
Clapyron Slope
Low-spin iron is an “additional chemical component in the mantle”
Fine Print Focus on (Mg,Fe)O - similar behavior for Perovsikte? LS iron has smaller “ionic radius” D-orbitals directed where oxygen is not Iron sites are non-interacting Properties in proportion to iron concentration Little difference in EOS of HS and LS iron “Softening” expected in transition region Increment of pressure causes “normal” strain plus additional strain with HS to LS transition If spin flip is “fast” compared to acoustic frequency, velocities can decrease Focus on (Mg,Fe)O - similar behavior for Perovsikte? LS iron has smaller “ionic radius” D-orbitals directed where oxygen is not Iron sites are non-interacting Properties in proportion to iron concentration Little difference in EOS of HS and LS iron “Softening” expected in transition region Increment of pressure causes “normal” strain plus additional strain with HS to LS transition If spin flip is “fast” compared to acoustic frequency, velocities can decrease
Macroscopic Thermodynamics Gibbs energy: G(P,T,n,x) n is low spin occupation (0 to 1) x is fraction of sites occupied by Fe (0 to 1) G = G lattice + G vibration + G magnetic + G mixing Minimize G with respect to n Gibbs energy: G(P,T,n,x) n is low spin occupation (0 to 1) x is fraction of sites occupied by Fe (0 to 1) G = G lattice + G vibration + G magnetic + G mixing Minimize G with respect to n
m = degeneracy (3) S = Spin state (2) H = E + P V Tsuchiya et al 2006 also: Slichter and Drickamer 1972, G ü tlich et al 1979
Theory vs Experiment?
New Experimental Data
Impulsive Stimulated Light Scattering
(Mg,Fe)O 5.6% Fe (100) surface Ruby Argon 50 microns Rhenium Gasket
Extension to High Temperature?
Intrinsic Spin TransitionTotal Predicted Seismic Structure
SUMMARY Large anomalies in V p and V s for HSLS transition Macroscopic thermodynamic description works Tested vs pressure and composition High temperature test is needed Mantle velocity anomalies may be suppressed - d V/ d T HSLS > 0 Explanation for lack of mid-mantle tomographic structure? Perovskite is presumed to have analogous behavior Large anomalies in V p and V s for HSLS transition Macroscopic thermodynamic description works Tested vs pressure and composition High temperature test is needed Mantle velocity anomalies may be suppressed - d V/ d T HSLS > 0 Explanation for lack of mid-mantle tomographic structure? Perovskite is presumed to have analogous behavior