Excitable Tissues- Nerve Prof. K. Sivapalan
Neuron June 2013Nerve2
Membrane Potential June 2013Nerve3
Recording Electrical Events- Oscilloscope June 2013Nerve4
Basis of Resting Membrane Potential:Gibbs–Donnan effect June 2013Nerve5
Physics of Membrane Potential June 2013Nerve6
EMF with Many Ions June 2013Nerve7
Role of Sodium Potassium Pump June 2013Nerve8
Change in Resting Membrane Potential June 2013Nerve9
Local Response June 2013Nerve10
Action Potential June 2013Nerve11
Ionic Basis of Action Potential June 2013Nerve12
June 2013Nerve13
Components of Action Potential June 2013Nerve14
Spread of Action Potential June 2013Nerve15
Conduction in Myelinated Nerve June 2013Nerve16
Myelination June 2013Nerve17
Velocity of Conduction June 2013Nerve18
Fiber Types in Mammalian Nerve June 2013Nerve19
Susceptibility of Nerves Susceptible to: MostIntermediateLeast HypoxiaBAC PressureABC Local anaesthetics CBA June 2013Nerve20