Reading Research: A Workshop for Beginners 1 Am J Hosp Palliat Care Jun;28(4):
Aims Standard 12: Research The chaplain practices evidence-based care including ongoing evaluation of new practices and when appropriate, contributes to or conducts research. ( 2 Substantive aim Understand prevalence and correlates of spiritual distress in palliative care Methodological aim help chaplains develop research literacy
David Hui, M.D.,M.Sc.(Biochem),M.Sc. (Clinical Resch), FRCPC Assistant Professor, Department of Palliative Care and Rehabilitation Medicine, Division of Cancer Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX impact factor.969
1.Background Importance of topic Review of literature Study aims, research questions, or hypotheses 2. Research methods Sample Study Design Measures Analysis 3. Results 4. Discussion (by the study authors)5. Critical Evaluation (your thoughts) Integration with other research6. Clinical Implications (your thoughts) LimitationsFor your work? Implications for further research For the work of other clinicians? The Research Summary Outline: A Guide to Reviewing the Evidence Critically 4
Sample 5
Spiritual Distress Screening Tool 6 Steve Thorney and David Jenkins, MD Anderson Cancer Center Chaplaincy Department. Based on Roy B Nash. Life’s major spiritual issues: an emerging framework for spiritual assessment and pastoral diagnosis. Caregiver Journal 7, no. 1 (1990): 3-42.
Bi-Variate Results: Sp Distress Y/N 7 ESAS 0-10; 10=worst possible
Multivariable Results: Sp Distress Y/N 8
Descriptive Results: How Much Sp Distress? What Type? 9 23% with distress in 3+
Multivariable Results: Distress in Each Domain 10
Critical Evaluation: Weakness & Strengths 11 Implications for Chaplain’s Care
Health Care Chaplaincy Improving our Care and Making our Case Through Research ***.69*** Hopelessness Depression Religious Belief.17** ***p<.001, **p<.01. N = 271