AGENDA Overview Enrollment Process ASAP Functions Contacts Frequently Asked Questions
ASAP OVERVIEW ASAP is an all-electronic payment and information system: Allows Recipient Organizations to draw from accounts pre-authorized by Federal agencies. Internet based and user friendly Highly secure and 508 Compliant ASAP features include: Online Help Screens and Tutorials –Convenient to Access and Comprehensive Log On IDs –ASAP issues individual User IDs and Passwords User-Specific Messages – s, Homepage broadcast messages, and Notifications No Fees to Federal agencies or Recipient Organizations Downloadable Reports and Inquiries
RECIPIENT ORGANIZATION (RO) ENROLLMENT PROCESS Federal Agency Enrollment Initiator Identifies RO to be enrolled Point of Contact Verifies that RO data is correct Identifies RO Officials Head of Organization Approves RO Officials Authorizing Official Verifies RO’s Data, Identifies & Maintains Users & Role(s ) Financial Official Enters & Maintains Banking Information
FEDERAL AGENCY ENROLLMENT INITIATOR (EI) FA Enrollment Initiator (EI) is responsible for identifying the recipient organizations (ROs) to be enrolled into Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP) to receive their Federal funds. Day 1 - EI will input the DUNS/TIN, type of organization (State, University, Non-Profit, For-Profit, Other), and defines the Point of Contact (POC) with their mailing address information in ASAP. Day 1 - ASAP will create the RO profile and provision the point of contact identified. Note: 1.Every role defined in ASAP will be allowed 45 days to complete their enrollment task. ASAP will send reminders to take action on the 35 th day and 40 th day. On the 46 th day the system will delete the RO enrollment if no action is taken. 2.During the initial enrollment of a RO or when any official or user has been granted access to ASAP, that person must log in, answer the secondary authentication questions, create a shared secret and change their temporary password within 45 days or their access will be deleted by ASAP. Day 2 – ASAP will notify the POC that they have been enrolled and identifies the agency. Any user or official defined, ASAP will generate an with the user ID and will send separately a pin mailer via the regular Postal Mail with the password within 4 to 7 business days.
RO Point of Contact (POC) POC is responsible for identifying, modifying, and deleting the RO Officials. It may take the POC from 4 to 7 business days to receive the pin mailer with their ASAP temporary password. Day 1 - POC logs into ASAP using the User ID and temporary password, answers the ASAP secondary authentication questions, creates a shared secret, and changes the temporary password. Day 1 up to day 45 - POC verifies the correctness of the DUNS/TIN, RO name, and the POC information that was entered by the FA Enrollment Initiator (EI). POC will be required to Accept or Decline the role of POC for this RO. IF the POC declines the role, they must provide a reason. –ASAP will notify the FA EI that the POC declined and the EI will need to either define another POC or correct the problem identified and then restart the enrollment. IF the POC accepts the role, the POC will define the Officials. Officials that are required are the Head of Organization (HOO), Authorizing Official (AO), Financial Official (FO), and additional POCs. These roles must be maintained in ASAP by the RO users at all times. Access to ASAP can be maintained by the individual users by logging in every 90 days. Once the POC has defined all required Officials, the POC tasks for the initial enrollment is completed. ASAP will notify the Head of Organization (HOO) that they have been granted access, and provide them via the User ID and via regular mail send their temporary password the next day.
Head of Organization (HOO) The HOO is responsible for approving officials that are added, modified, or deleted by the POC. It may take the HOO from 4 to 7 business days to receive the pin mailer with their ASAP temporary password. Day 1 - HOO logs into ASAP using the User ID and temporary password, answers the ASAP secondary authentication questions, creates a shared secret, and changes the temporary password. Day 1 up to day 45 the HOO is required to approve the officials defined by the POC; Authorizing Official (AO), Financial Official (FO), Redelegated Head of Organization (RHOO) and any additional POCs. Only the HOO can approve a Redelegated Head of Organization. –RHOO acting on behalf of the HOO can only approve POC, AO, and FO. ASAP will notify the official that were defined the next day, after the HOO approves, that they have been granted access, and provides via the User ID, and send via regular mail, the temporary password.
Authorizing Official (AO) AO approves Recipient Organization profile information and defines, modify and delete users. ( It may take the AO from 4 to 7 days to receive the pin mailer with their ASAP temporary password. Day 1 - AO logs into ASAP using the User ID and temporary password, answers the ASAP secondary authentication questions, creates a shared secret, and changes the temporary password. Day 1 up to Day 45 - AO verifies the RO profile is correct (DUNS/TIN, RO Name, and Type of Organization), and defines the users (Payment Requestor and/or Inquirer). ASAP will notify the Payment Requestor and Inquirer that they have been granted access to ASAP by the next day. ASAP will send the users via the User ID, and send via regular mail, their temporary password.
Financial Official (FO) FO defines and maintains the banking data for the RO. It may take the FO from 4 to 7 days to receive the pin mailer with the ASAP temporary password. Day 1 - FO logs into ASAP using the User ID and temporary password, answers the ASAP secondary authentication questions, creates a shared secret, and changes the temporary password. Day 1 up to Day 45 - FO is responsible for defining the bank data that the funds will be deposited into for the RO. –When an ACH account is defined that account will not become active for seven (7) business days. –When a FEDWIRE account is defined that account will not become active for three (3) business days. The FO must also link the agency(s) they do business with to their bank account. Once the FO receives the confirmation page for defining the banking data, the date the account becomes active for use will be displayed.
RO Enrollment Completion Once the FO and AO have completed their task, ASAP will activate the RO enrollment and change the profile status to active. ASAP will notify the agency’s Enrollment Initiator and Account Maintainer the next business day that the enrollment is completed. The agency’s Account Maintainer creates the ASAP account. The Authorization Entry Clerk enters the funding (authorization) into the ASAP account. The Certifying Officer will certify the funding (authorization) in the account. ASAP sends an online notification to the RO Payment Requestor anytime an account is created with the account ID and when funding is approved with the effective date.
RO Enrollment Maintenance The RO required Officials (HOO, AO, FO and POC) and user (Payment Requestor) must keep their access active in ASAP by logging in every 90 days. If the FO needs to change the banking data for the RO, the new bank account will not usable for 7 business days for ACH or 3 business days for Fedwire accounts. If an existing RO is awarded a new grant and they have not accessed ASAP for over 13 months all users will be deleted and the RO will need to contact the FMS RFC. When new Officials or Users are added to an existing RO, once the user is notified they have been given access to ASAP, the user must log into ASAP within 45 days or the access will be deleted. During the RO enrollment if any official does not complete their task timely it can result in the RO enrollment being deleted. If users do not receive their temporary password in the mail within 4 to 7 business days, contact the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond on for assistance.
How ASAP Works
Recipient Organizations Business Functions Initiates request for funds online via ACH or Fedwire Receives immediate notification when a payment is approved or rejected Available balances are updated immediately Unlimited number of draws per day Up to four banking relationships per delivery method Requestor can create a payment schedule up to one year in advance
General and Contact Information Hours of Operations: Inquiries: 8:00am – 11:59 pm ET Monday-Friday Fedwire payments (same day) 8:00am-5:45pm ET ACH payments (next day) 8:00am-11:59pm ET Website Address: ASAP Application: FMS ASAP General Information and Program Updates: Important Telephone Numbers: RFCs Day-to-Day Operational Support 7:30am-4:00pm Philadelphia: (215) Kansas City: (816) San Francisco: (510) Richmond Federal Reserve (804) :00am-7:00pm ET ASAP Password Resets/Temporary Passwords Last Name and Address Changes
Frequently Asked Questions
Carol Cole Manager, ASAP Operations ASAP Program Office
USDA Conference questions