ILL ASAP2 – connecting OCLC and ILLIAD By Terry Reese Oregon State University
What is ILL ASAP Originally a VBScript written by Kyle Banerjee while at Oregon State University Would process ILLMe source file and extract holdings information from Innovative Interfaces OPACs and create easy to use XML generated request slips.
Why Retire ILL ASAP No choice With OCLC retiring ILLMe, the original ILL ASAP no longer had a source file to process. Many users had migrated to ILLIAD, so I had been under the preception that ILL ASAP was no longer in use.
Short retirement… Within a week of ILLMe’s retirement, I started receiving questions from users regarding the continuance of ILL ASAP, so….
ILL ASAP 2 Creation of ILL ASAP 2 Specifications: Works with OCLC’s WorldCat Resource Sharing system Can interact with ILLIAD’s borrowing system Can extract holdings from SIRSI and III systems Written in C#, and as always, has been released as Open Source.
OCLC’s WorldCat Resource Sharing OCLC’s new interface SOAP-based WSDL system Accomedates both borrowing and lending
OCLC’s WorldCat Resource Sharing Configuring ILL ASAP 2 Billing Options ILLIAD Options Labels Security Server Options Shipping Options
OCLC’s WorldCat Resource Sharing Configuring ILL ASAP 2
OCLC’s WorldCat Resource Sharing Testing Server Configuration:
ILL ASAP 2 OCLC Interaction Messaging File Can process materials in the message file with a status of conditional pending, pending, renewal request and retry pending.
ILL ASAP 2 OCLC Interaction Messaging File When processing the message file, ILL ASAP 2 will: 1. Query each item against your OPAC (presuming it’s a III or SIRSI system) 2. Print out a request receipt 3. Sets each processed item from PENDING to IN_PROCESS.
ILL ASAP 2 OCLC Interaction Receipt Example: (link)link
ILL ASAP 2 OCLC Interaction Customizing Receipt: XML-based template that defines data to be utilized. ns/nwill/2005/template.xml ns/nwill/2005/template.xml XSLT-based template that defines how the data should be displayed. ns/nwill/2005/ill.xsl ns/nwill/2005/ill.xsl
ILL ASAP 2 OCLC Interaction Batch Processing Requests New to ILL ASAP 2 Batch Filling of Requests: Users can set fill requests for individual items or in batches. Allows users to store and select different Date Dues for each lending request. Changes status from IN_PROCESS to Filled.
ILL ASAP 2 OCLC Interaction Batch Processing Requests
ILL ASAP 2 OCLC Interaction Batch Processing Requests New to ILL ASAP 2 Batch Decline of Requests: Users can decline requests for individual items or in batches. Allows users to store and select from different reasons for no. Changes status from IN_PROCESS to not filled.
ILL ASAP 2 OCLC Interaction Batch Processing Requests
ILL ASAP 2 ILLIAD Interaction Need: Capturing holdings information Present software uses Z39.50 to get Call Number/Location Information from MARC record.
ILL ASAP 2 ILLIAD Interaction Need: However, what is actually needed is the holdings record data to determine actual holdings.
ILL ASAP 2 ILLIAD Interaction Need: Exactly what information to extract becomes more muddled as ILS add-ons are created. In III, ERM records provide only a title to the Z39.50 Client giving no indication of holdings.
ILL ASAP 2 ILLIAD Interaction Importing Holdings Interacts with the following ILLIAD tables: dbo.Transactions, dbo.LendingRequests Processes items from the dbo.Transactions table with a ProcessType of “Lending” and a TransactionStatus of “Awaiting Processing”
ILL ASAP 2 ILLIAD Interaction Importing Holdings Appends holdings data to the OCLC request in the dbo.LendingRequests. Inserts Call Number into the dbo.Transactions table for all items and Location into the dbo.Transactions table when handling individual items.
ILL ASAP 2 ILLIAD Interaction ILLIAD Screens (OCLC Request):
ILL ASAP 2 ILLIAD Interaction ILLIAD Screens (Main Window):
Questions? Where is this program available?