South Carolina Adult Education ASSESSMENT POLICY UPDATE Directors’ Training – 08/22/13
What you already know: SC uses four different NRS approved assessments: 1) TABE 9 & 10* 2) BEST Plus 3) BEST Literacy* 4) WorkKeys – Applied Mathematics or Reading for Information *Approved through 2017
What you already know: The NRS approved BEST Plus and the two WorkKeys assessments for three years, expiring on February 2, 2013; however, programs may continue to use them through June 30, 2014.
What you might not know: CAL submitted BEST Plus to the Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE) on October 1, 2012 for additional NRS approval and use through They believe that an approval will be made by October 2013.
What you might not know: SC will continue to use the assessments throughout this fiscal year. In the meantime, we are looking at other ESL assessments for possible adoption for use after June 30, We will keep you informed.
Changes/Additions to the policy – REMOVED: #5 (12-13 edition) Ability to count homework hours as attendance hours in Correctional Education programs Pg. 2 GENERAL POLICY REGARDING ALL NRS REQUIRED ASSESSMENTS
Changes/Additions to the policy I. Adult Basic Education and Adult Secondary Education - Pre-testing SCVSP students is recommended, not required Pg. 4, #2 SPECIFIC ASSESSMENT POLICY
Changes/Additions to the policy II. English as a Second Language BEST Literacy may now be used as an initial assessment without first administering BEST Plus. Pg. 6, #2 and #3 SPECIFIC ASSESSMENT POLICY
**ESL Special Instructions** Bulk rate available at 30% discount for orders of 750 or more tests. New policy changes add freedom, but support and guidance is needed to avoid student attrition. Before administering BEST Literacy, programs must submit an Assessment and Placement criteria chart or narrative for their ESL program.
Changes/Additions to the policy II. English as a Second Language BEST Plus and BEST Literacy may be used alone or in tandem as a battery to measure English language proficiency When used in tandem: if a learner is functioning at different levels on the two tests, the lowest functioning level should be the basis for initial NRS placement and corresponding post-test. Pg. 6, #4 SPECIFIC ASSESSMENT POLICY
Reminder Students who score at the Advanced ESL level (SS 76-78) with BEST Literacy can NOT show gain. ESL students who have score the maximum scores allowed by NRS regulations on BEST Plus (SPL 7+) and BEST Literacy (SS 76-78) must then be tested with TABE Locator and the appropriate form of TABE (Language or Reading recommended).
Changes/Additions to the policy II. English as a Second Language All BEST Plus and BEST Literacy Test Administrators must be trained as outlined in Appendix E: Required Assessment Training. BEST Plus Trainers who administer 20+ tests per year are exempt from the BEST Plus Scoring Refresher training requirement. Pg. 6, #6 SPECIFIC ASSESSMENT POLICY
Changes/Additions to the policy - Individuals MUST complete the SC Assessment Policy Training and pass an online SCDE quiz before administering or scoring BEST Literacy. Pg. 32 APPENDIX E: REQUIRED ASSESSMENT TRAINING
Changes/Additions to the policy - Students should demonstrate some English reading and writing ability demonstrated through appropriate answers on the top section of the English Standardized Registration form. APPENDIX G: BEST INFORMATION Pg. 37
Changes/Additions to the policy - Information reorganized - Added: Items noted as “print” or “electronic (online)” version/administration Pg APPENDIX C: TABE INFORMATION
Changes/Additions to the policy - Revised guidelines for Assessment Policy Training Pg. 28 APPENDIX E: REQUIRED ASSESSMENT TRAINING
Staff Member Full Assessment Policy Training Update Assessment Policy Training New Director ASAP Upon hire – provided by RAETAC Trainers New StaffASAP Upon hire – provided by RAETAC Trainers Veteran Director ASAP if his/her local program is cited during LPR for non- compliance with Assessment Policy Annually – provided by SCDE staff at Fall Directors’ Meeting Veteran Staff ASAP if his/her employing local program is cited during LPR for non-compliance with Assessment Policy Annually – provided by Veteran Local Director following Fall Meeting* *Veteran Local Directors will conduct annual Update AP Training for their staffs in the fall and will submit sign-in sheets to their RAETACs to verify staff attendance. Assessment Policy Training
SC Assessment Policy Training Participant Agreement This is to certify that I, __(Print Name) ___, have read the SC Office of Adult Education Assessment Policy. I understand that this is the first part of my required training in order to become a qualified assessor. To complete my training, I will: 1.present this signed notice in order to participate in Assessment Policy Training as provided by my RAETAC. 2.print out my own copy of the Assessment Policy and bring it with me to the training. 3.participate in the Assessment Policy Training on the following date at the location noted: Date: _________________ RAETAC Region: ________ Training Specialist’s Name: ______________________________ Participant Signature: __________________________________ Director Signature: ____________________________________
Changes/Additions to the policy Approved Curricula: - Key Train added - Recommended reading scores Measuring Contact Hours for Students in Distance Education: Onsite requirement revised Appendix H: Distance Education pg.38 & 39
Assessment Policy Policy was effective July 1, 2013 New AP manuals and Update PowerPoint will be posted on Fall training dates announced by region New Directors and new staff must complete AP Training according to new guidelines. Staff trained last year will need update training provided by director. Submit sign- in sheets to RAETAC trainer.