RCT Cuts What does it mean?
Reduction to part time provision Currently full time asap after 3 rd birthday Plan is to change it to part time the term after 3 rd birthday Full time from September of Reception. Affects every Primary and Infant School Affects the jobs of over 100 teachers and over 300 support staff! ( this is an estimate)
How is this to be implemented? Council would hope to bring it in by April This is not achievable – for teachers the consultation and notice periods over redundancy would be too short ( would have to be given notice by 28 February!!)
More likely scenario Implementation from Sept 2014 This raises issues – will those currently in full time pre nursery provision revert to part time in Sept 2014? – totally crazy idea If it is phased we will have a variety of children in different provision!
Why? MONEY SAVING EXERCISE This is not done from an educational viewpoint. This report was authored by Steve Merritt from the Finance Department It will save £4.5 million a year It will mean redundancies or reductions in hours in EVERY SINGLE SCHOOL
Is our nursery provision effective? Evidence – provided by RCT itself in report to Cabinet next week/ RCT perform above expected level given our free school meals level as an indicator of deprivation. RCT is the second most deprived authority in Wales, therefore should appear 21/22 in the attainment statistics –
We are better than 21/22 On every single measure – FP outcomes, KS2 assessments, KS3, KS4 ( a variety!) we are at in the LA “league tables” The ONE difference between us and all other LA’s is our nursery provision!
Evidence We need evidence to show how effective early years education with access to suitably qualified teachers is – we are not talking about childcare here - WE ARE TALKING ABOUT EUCATION, planning, assessing, monitoring, adapting, taking into account children’s skills on entry!
What can we do? Fill in consultation – everyone needs to do it as an individual, can do it as a school or a group as well but the more the better! AM, MP, Councillors, chairs of governors, Huw Lewis ( Wales Minister for Education.) outline concerns on educational and employment grounds And ……..
Expand the activity base Work with parents – make them aware of changes Work with local childcare providers - get them to make their parents aware of potential changes Work with councillors – increase their understanding of what we do! Get public aware – leaflet, petition, hold public meetings ( some parents won’t be aware that it will affect them in the future) BIG PROBLEM – only 4 weeks!!!!