Nutrition Cluster - South Sudan Nutrition Cluster Coordination Meeting UNOCHA conference hall. 11:00 am -12:30 pm
Nutrition Cluster - South Sudan Agenda Agenda Review of action points from previous meeting Presentation from the Logistics Cluster on SRF - Fiona Finalization for the Nutrition cluster response plan/scale up plan (including SAG update) Update the WFP-UNICEF Joint plan Coordination of RRM mechanism and systems for updating and use the prioritization matrix Updates on Survey and validation process (including NIWG updates) WFP and UNICEF for supply situation. AOB
Nutrition Cluster - South Sudan Action points Focal point/agency Timeline Status UNICEF Nutrition programme to confirm with IMC the dates for the IYCF-E training UNICEFASAP All the presentations should be uploadedNC IMO Share RRM data with stakeholdersUNICEFASAP Identify new partners for priority areas without presenceNCASAP Reach out to partners regarding support and needs on surveysACFASAP NC coordinate Medair step up activity in areasNC-MedairASAP NC will try to push log cluster to look into possibilities for scale up in the priority locations NCASAP There were a general question if Pibor could be moved up, Nutrition Cluster will follow up. NCASAP Upcoming IRNA mission, agree who can go IRNANC19 th July Add RMM data to the websiteNCASAP NGO HELPage need to see NC for coordination and send out information of their activities as they are new to the NC Helpage/NCASAP
Nutrition Cluster - South Sudan Action points Focal point/agency Timeline Status NC try to find identify new partners cross cluster e.g. health, fsl.NCASAP Current partners who are interested in scaling up, get in touch with the NCNC-PartnersASAP Define nutrition cluster meaning of “priority” in comparison to other clusters.NC1 st of August Ensure Nutrition Cluster Matrix is circulated with the new participant list from the cluster meeting. NC-IMOASAP Ask Logs cluster for an updated presentation of SRF for Nutrition cluster.NC1 st of August Provide indicator links for FSL clusterNC/FSL1 st of August Send out contact list for verification to partners.NC-IMO1 st of August Nutrition Cluster performance and evaluation survey action plan to be circulated among the partners for feedback. NC-IMO1 st of August Links will be recirculated about upcoming breast feeding day, including reminders to NC partners NC-IMOASAP
Nutrition Cluster - South Sudan Updates on Survey and validation process (including NIWG updates)
Nutrition Cluster - South Sudan NIWG – Updates To date 15 Surveys and assessments have been completed – 11 SMART surveys – 2 Small scale SMART – I MUAC assessment – 1 Exhaustive assessment 10 surveys are ongoing – 9 SMART – 1SS Smart There are 3 planned SS SMART
Nutrition Cluster - South Sudan
Announcements Meeting of Nutrition Partners to Inform Updated IPC Analysis Monday, July 21, 2014 The Global Integrated Phase Classification (IPC) is in the process of developing a Classification Framework for Nutrition Situation and a piloting process to test the tools and to get feedback from the field. South Sudan has been selected as one of the possible pilots during the next IPC process slated for around August 25 th to September 6 th UNICEF Nutrition partners workshop on supplies and program data reporting. 22 nd July Venue will be communicated.