myUTSA Account Activation Process OIT
Applicant Account Activation Process Admissions Email (from Admissions Office) The application has been received. The email will also contain information explaining to the applicant that their myUTSA Account must be set up prior to accessing ASAP, and they will be receiving an email from: (sent by OIT) Set Up Your myUTSA Account Now Email (from OIT) Email will contain this message and a link to the myUTSA Account Activation portal: In order to check the status of your UTSA application, you must set up your myUTSA account by completing these 4 steps: 1. Tell us who you are (what was once called “Claim your account”) 2. Get a myUTSA ID (given to student on the Web page) 3. Create contact information and myUTSA Passphrase (contact info before passphrase) 4. Activate your myUTSA Account (account activated) Overview of the applicant account process developed by Admissions. The text is taken from the Admissions site outlining the process.
Admission’s Email From: Office of Admissions Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2011 10:35 AM To: Subject: Important information about your application for admission Dear New Roadrunner: We are pleased to inform you that we have received your application for the Fall 2012 semester. Following is the directory information provided on your application. Name: New Roadrunner Street Address: One UTSA Circle City: San Antonio State: TX Zip Code: 78249 Email: Once we have reviewed your application and determined your admission status, you will receive additional information from our office. Please note that the email address above will be used to let you know if additional items are needed to complete your application for admission. Allow a minimum of 10 business days for our initial review of your application. UTSA's ASAP (Automated Student Access Program) system allows you to change your directory information and check the progress of your application. It is very important that you become familiar with ASAP, as you will use it extensively once you become a student. Before accessing ASAP, you must first activate your myUTSA Account. You will receive an email from with a link to set up your account. You will be asked to verify your identity before activating your myUTSA Account. Once you have activated your myUTSA Account, you will be able to access ASAP to check the status of your application. To check the progress of your Admissions Application through ASAP. 1. Have your ACTIVE myUTSA ID (ex: abc123) available. (Could this say “Have your ACTIVATED myUTSA Account”?) 2. Click Here to enter ASAP. 3. Follow the onscreen instructions to log in. 4. Select the link for Student Services on the Main Menu screen. 5. Choose Admissions from the list of options on the Student Services screen. 6. Select the "Display Admission Status" link As admissions documents are processed and added to your file, ASAP will be updated. The information displayed is real-time, so your status may change at any time. If you have questions or need additional information, you may contact Enrollment Services at 210-458-8000. This is the email an applicant will receive from Admissions.
Email sent by OIT (text) From: Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 5:19 PM To: Subject: UTSA Applicant: Set Up Your myUTSA Account Now Dear New Roadrunner, In order to check the status of your UTSA application, you must set up your myUTSA Account by completing these 4 steps: 1. Tell us who you are. 2. Get a myUTSA ID. 3. Create contact information and myUTSA Passphrase. 4. Activate your myUTSA Account. Set up your myUTSA Account now! If you have questions or need additional information, contact Enrollment Services at 210-458-8000 (local) or 1-800-669-0919 (toll free). Please do not reply to this email. Replies to this email will not be responded to or read.
Email example This is the first email an applicant will receive from OIT. Please note the subject line should not mention the application since this is strictly for account purposes.
4 Easy Steps This is the page an applicant will see when the link in the claim email is selected. The objective is to validate the applicant is who they say they are by validating data the applicant submitted on their ApplyTexas application. The data entered on this page must match what the applicant used on their application. Once the applicant is validated, an activation email is sent by OIT to the applicant.
Tell Us Who You Are This is the page an applicant will see when the link in the claim email is selected. The objective is to validate the applicant is who they say they are by validating data the applicant submitted on their ApplyTexas application. The data entered on this page must match what the applicant used on their application. Once the applicant is validated, an activation email is sent by OIT to the applicant.
Get Your myUTSA ID This is the page an applicant will see when the link in the claim email is selected. The objective is to validate the applicant is who they say they are by validating data the applicant submitted on their ApplyTexas application. The data entered on this page must match what the applicant used on their application. Once the applicant is validated, an activation email is sent by OIT to the applicant.
Set Up Your Contact Info This is the page an applicant will see when the link in the claim email is selected. The objective is to validate the applicant is who they say they are by validating data the applicant submitted on their ApplyTexas application. The data entered on this page must match what the applicant used on their application. Once the applicant is validated, an activation email is sent by OIT to the applicant.
Create Your Passphrase This is the page an applicant will see when the link in the claim email is selected. The objective is to validate the applicant is who they say they are by validating data the applicant submitted on their ApplyTexas application. The data entered on this page must match what the applicant used on their application. Once the applicant is validated, an activation email is sent by OIT to the applicant.
Account Activated! This is the page an applicant will see when the link in the claim email is selected. The objective is to validate the applicant is who they say they are by validating data the applicant submitted on their ApplyTexas application. The data entered on this page must match what the applicant used on their application. Once the applicant is validated, an activation email is sent by OIT to the applicant.
Confirmation Email sent by OIT From: Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 5:19 PM To: Subject: Your myUTSA Account is now Activated Dear New Roadrunner, You have successfully activated your myUTSA Account. Your myUTSA ID is: abc123 Keep this email for your records. If you forget your passphrase, visit the UTSA Passphrase website and use the contact information you just set up to reset your passphrase. Please do not reply to this email. Replies to this email will not be responded to or read. This is the email sent by OIT to an applicant for activating their myUTSAid. The subject line should distinguish it from the other emails. The activation link expires after 72 hours and does so for security reasons. The link in the email will allow the applicant to set their passphrase.
Passphrase Reset Process The next slides will cover the passphrase reset process using
Requesting a Reset Code A student or applicant may request a reset code via this page. The critical component is contact information MUST be entered prior to requesting a reset code in order for the applicant/student to successfully complete the process. The site by design does not return error messages when the information entered is not correct or is not on file. This is by design and is a requirement of the Security Office. Since this is a public page accessible to anyone, the Security Office did not want to return messages indicating whether the information was correct, missing, or wrong to prevent malicious use or attacks on the site targeting personal information. Please note the information supplied is not correct and does not match any information on file. The action will always be the same for correct, missing information from the contact database or incorrect information.
Submitting a Reset Code This is the page displayed once contact information has been provided for a reset code. Note: There are no errors or indications the information supplied is not correct, does not match what is in the contact database, or is not on file. The action will always be the same for correct, missing information from the contact database or incorrect information. This is by design for security reasons.
Reset Code Page This is the page one is sent to after submitting the contact information supplied in the previous screen. Please note the action - There are no errors or indications the information supplied is correct, not correct, does not match what is in the contact database, or is not on file. The action will always be the same for correct, missing information from the contact database or incorrect information. This is by design for security reasons.
Reset Code Email From: OIT Connect Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 1:51 PM To: Subject: UTSA Passphrase Reset Code Hello, You have requested a reset code to reset your myUTSA passphrase. Reset your passphrase by clicking this temporary link. Note: The temporary link will expire 2 hours after you submitted the passphrase reset request . Once expired, you will need to resubmit a passphrase reset request. If the temporary link is not working, copy and paste the following url and enter this reset code: q8p4f8prq6 http://localhost:50586/PasswordReset/?passcode=passcode - UTSA Office of Information Technology For assistance, visit the Help Page This is the email a user will see when a reset code has been requested. If the reset email is sent from the admin tool, the link will expire in 12 hours.
Reset Code Page This is the page displayed when the link is selected in the reset email.
Reset Passphrase Page This is the site displayed when the correct myUTSAid and reset code are entered in the Reset Code Page.
Enter New Passphrase This is the page displayed when the correct myUTSAid and reset code are entered in the Reset Code Page which allows the user to reset their passphrase. The bar turns green once the minimum of 15 characters is met. There are no other requirements for the passphrase other than to be at least 15 characters long. The passphrase will accept spaces and special characters, but they are not required. Passphrases are case sensitive.
Passphrase Reminder This is a reminder to also change the passphrase on other devices using the passphrase i.e. smart phone or tablets.
Successful Reset of Passphrase Page displayed when a passphrase has been successfully been reset. Please visit and take the tour. It explains why we are changing to passphrases, allows one to enter or update their contact information, and will walk one thru changing to a passphrase.
myUTSA Account Style Guide
myUTSA Account Style Guide
myUTSA Account Style Guide
myUTSA Account Style Guide
myUTSA Account Style Guide vs.