ASAP Unit Advanced Surveillance And Protection
Uniquely High Number of Violent Street Gangs 58 Gangs 11,000 Documented Gang Members Relatively Small Geographical Area Provides ability to elude capture (“friendly locations”) Witness Intimidation / Reluctance to Testify Limited Evidence for Prosecution
Make Compton a Safe City Thwart Gang Violence Interrupt Crimes in Progress Deterrence = Prevent Crime Before it Occurs! Strengthen Prosecution With Video Evidence
Develop a funding method or source for the surveillance project. Identify a model that ASAP could use as a template for deploying the surveillance system. London has 70% of worlds surveillance cameras. Research technologies that will be best suited for the environment Develop a plan for the deployment in phases
Fiber optic, wireless mesh network, cellular Internet. High Quality Digital Video Surveillance Cameras Acoustic Gunshot Detection Technology Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) Technologically Advanced Command Center or Fusion Center
City resources Grants Private purchase Public and Private partnerships
Find an integrator with experience and functioning systems. Site survey with the integrator. Contact other involved agencies or parties who may be impacted (power, streets, communications, high points, etc.) Network Security Installation of equipment BOM (Bill of Materials)
Time table for installation of equipment Clear communication with all parties involved Understand that there will be unforeseen problems.
Develop guidelines and policies prior to deployment if possible. Train the trainer approach ASAP deputy at each station Best practice of using the system. camera presets saving audio/video clips standard file or folder naming formats report writing Other issues…