Kindergarten Orientation
Welcome to Kindergarten! Pencil instead of homework pass Paperwork from office & PTG membership send back ASAP Who has permission to pick up your child send back ASAP Class List Extra Information
Attendance Attendance is important. We want your child at school. However, DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILD TO SCHOOL WITH A FEVER!!! Your child will be marked tardy if not in room when 8:00 bell rings. At dismissal, students are required to give me at high five and/or a hug.
Communication with Parents –We will try and keep our page up-to-date. My address is: Please “like” Windthorst Elementary on Facebook Contact Info./Remind 101-mass texts Please call me at school. –Conference time is 11:25-12:10. Please don’t call me at home. Monthly Newsletters-This will inform you of important dates and what we are learning. Daily folder (yellow)/backpack –Put notes in front outside pocket. Show and tell your child where you put the note. –Check/clean out backpack/folder every day!!
Communication with Parents Weekly folder (green) –Left side has a checklist of things to be done weekly. –Right side has your child’s behavior chart. They are given warnings. Stamps are given on hand and folder. Watch for washed hands. Blue stars are given for extraordinary manners or doing things without being asked. Your child may get 2 stamps in one day. Students will receive a reward on Fridays if he/she has been on green all week.
Homework Homework Calendar will start in September. Please keep in outside back pocket. Don’t sent any work back to school. –Double sided (Activities & Reading Log) –When activities are completed color the square. –Read 15 minutes every night and sign log daily. Read to your child, with your child, and/or your child will read to you. This helps with book and print awareness, comprehension, and a love of reading. Reading Practice Homework will be sent home weekly, starting in October. Begin to build a library of books.
Snacks Snacks-Please follow the guidelines in the Kindergarten Handbook. Snack suggestions are goldfish, animal crackers, fruit snacks, and graham crackers. Send snacks anytime. I will not send a note, unless we are really in need. ***Please be aware that you will be charged for milk at snack time.*** Birthdays-May bring any kind of snack.
Misc. Info. Please inform me of any allergies or health concerns. Please send notes. Don’t just tell your child to tell me. ALWAYS give me a written note. I may get busy with something else and forget. Be sure to read the Student Handbook and Student Code of Conduct. Kindergarten schedule will be sent home after the PTG program is over Coach George is the Kindergarten P.E. teacher. Dress Code-principal’s discretion –Flip Flops are OK, but be mindful that the children are active. Help your child learn to tie his/her shoes. May want to keep a change of clothes/underwear in backpack. Volunteers may be needed. Please let me know if you would like to volunteer. Please join and participate in PTG-$4 per child or $10 per family. PTG program-September 15, 2014, at 7:00 in the P.E. gym. –Dress in Windthorst attire. I will be sending home book orders and Highlights forms. Please send back Highlights form even if you don’t want to order, because I get free stuff for the classroom!! Please have students walk to church with a partner on Thursdays & Fridays.
Thank you for coming! Questions? Please don’t forget to sign in!