Smarter Urban Mobility Systems Around the Pacific Rim Jerry Walters Fehr & Peers
Virtuous Cycles in City Planning and Operation Simulate Plan Iterate / Implement Approve Evaluate Analyze Design Build Operate Monitor + Manage
How Scale Matters Urban Forms that Reduce Traffic, Energy and Emissions
Dimensions of Urban Form and Vehicle Use 1.Density 2.Diversity 3.Design 4.Destinations 5.Distance to Transit 6.Development Scale 7.Demographics 8.Demand Management
National Evidence on MXD Travel Generation
Network Data, Analytics and Simulation
Kunming-Chenggong New Town
2,800 acres 232,300 population 243,300 jobs Objectives Energy efficiency Emissions and GHG reduction Economic and fiscal performance Health and safety Kunming New Town / Sustainable Objectives
… and Challenges Macro: Pace of development Planning and performance mandates Car culture Lack of data and models
Integrated Zoning, Circulation Systems
Sesame Street Quiz
Inter-Connected Network OptionConventional Network Plan Kunming Urban Form / Network Form
Network Simulation (Ignores benefits of 9% trip reduction and traffic dispersion to parallel routes)
Operational Comparison MeasureStandard ArterialCouplet Pedestrian Crossing Distance 35.0 meters12.7 meters Min. Pedestrian Crossing Time 37.3 seconds13.6 seconds Number of Signal Phases 4 to 82 to 5 # of LOS E/F Intersections 4 of 4 (100%)5 of 16 (31%)
Sustainability Indicators MeasureStandard ArterialCouplet East-West Travel Time 8 minutes6 minutes (-25%) Vehicle Hours of Delay (VHD) 860 VHD640 VHD (-25%) Fuel Consumption 9,100 liters7,500 liters (-18%)
California Legislated Mandates AB 32 – Greenhouse gas reduction targets, Cap + Trade SB 97 – CEQA requirements for GHG assessment SB Linkages among: GHG targets regional transportation sustainable communities strategies SB 732 – Grant funding for sustainable communities SB226 –Approval streamlining for infill development
Location Efficiency Network Management Multi-Modal Focus Speed Suitability Caltrans Smart Mobility Performance Measures
CAPCOA Best Management Practices
High Speed Rail Sustainability Evaluation
Micro/ Macro Analysis of 3-B-L Performance
Data / Analytics
Benefits of Sustainable Transport/ Land Use
Better-Informed Transportation Decisions ASAP Simulate Plan Measure Approve Evaluate Analyze Design Build Operate Manage + Monitor
Thank You! Jerry Walters Fehr & Peers
Operationalizing Smarter Urban Mobility Systems Jerry Walters Fehr & Peers
Goals for Smarter Mobility Systems Decisions ASAP and better informed Better infrastructure design decisions Accurate impact assessments of land development User-oriented transit service plans and station designs Optimal sizing and integration of on-demand systems Tailored mobility services to optimize TDM effectiveness
Lab Work Bus reliability by route segment GHG, fuel use at traffic signals, roundabouts, stop signs Biases/inaccuracies in self- reported journey times
Field Work Transit ridership optimization Neighborhood parking management enforcement Bike station analytics: opportunity effectiveness assessment
Leading-Edge Work Express-lane bottleneck removal through GPS-calibrated simulation Regional traffic modeling through video and cell O/D identification Simulation of campus operation, expansion options
Next Gen Studies for Smart Mobility
Why and how people travel –Longitudinal measurement –Traveler demographics, market segmentation –O/D data vs built environment (D’s) –Models with complex AI objective functions Safety studies: –Road, signing and traffic conditions, driver attention
Next Gen Studies for Smart Mobility Operational improvements –Traffic queues and delays, simulation models –Cruising for parking –Traveler-weighted transit service level –Un-served markets Service availability, traveler characteristics of transit non-users Demographics of bike-share users, demographics and journey characteristics of non-users Comprehensive bicyclist route choice factors, including safety and security
Data Aggregation and Synthesis Needed
A Dozen Data Desires 1.Higher fidelity traffic flow data 2.Complete traveler O/D movements by all modes 3.Operating flow, interactions and incidents among modes 4.Longitudinal data: before/after stimulus 5.Land use and employment inventories by parcel 6.Over-the-net accessibility: time, cost, reliability, uncertainty * calibrate/ validate
A Dozen Data Desires 7.GPS verification of household and workplace surveys 8.Geo-correlation of travel surveys with built context 9.Transaction data to discern travel purpose 10.Consistent variable definitions to allow cross-walking data 11.Consistent sample rates by region 12.Open data from synthesizers via clients and from big actor data sources * calibrate/ validate
Multi-Modal Network Simulation - Silicon Valley
Multi-Modal Network Simulation – Kunming China