Isaac Quintanilla (Columbia Class of ‘11) Katie Canul (U of Nebraska Med Center ‘10) Cris Carrillo (USC Bench to Bedside Class of ‘11)
What is SMDEP? A six week paid internship/immersion program in Medicine or Dentistry – Free tuition, housing, and meals! Available at 13 top tier medical schools around the country – Some host sites include: University of Nebraska Medical Center, Columbia University Medical Center, Yale, Duke, UCLA, etc, etc Academic Enrichment in pre-req courses Clinical Exposure
Who qualifies? Freshman or Sophomores with decent grades (3.0+) – Preferred “Underrepresented Minority Status” This is a pretty loose definition.
How do I benefit? MONEY! Prep for pre-req courses Networking with deans and admissions committees Connections, connections, connections – Friends for life – Meet new people – Explore new places
How do I get in? Apply at Apply early (App opens November 1 st ; apply ASAP) Finish the fall semester strong Get 2 letters of req (pre-health advisor + 1 additional instructor)
Application Process Fill out application – Two personal essays – Two letters of req – Transcripts (Order them rush and order them EARLY) Pick three schools – Hedge your bets… applying to Columbia, Duke, and Yale as a freshman is not a good idea – Base on start and end dates/travel funding/etc
Tips for the Personal Statement Goal of the program is to get more people into primary care Write about what you care about or an issue that bothers you Why do you want to be a doctor, and how can this program help you achieve that goal? Write about some health disparities around you
What will I do when I’m there? Different schools have different structures – Examples: 2 shadowing experiences throughout the summer, academics 8-5 Monday-Thursday, clinical experience on Fridays, and more. – Example: Seminars and Classes throughout the summer, clinical experiences/dental lab on Fridays, and more.
Katie’s Experience at Nebraska
UNMC experience White Coat Ceremony Prep for Chem/Physics (COOL DEMOS)/Statistics/Writin g (PS Workshops) 2 clinical shadowing experiences CPR Certification Trips! Financing your education workshop Clinical Skills Lab Interview with Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Student Advisory Board Leadership Opportunity $1000 Enough Said
Isaac in Columbia
CUMC Experience Clinical Experiences White Coat Ceremony Networking Financial Aid Workshop Prep Courses – Orgo (Ochem) – Physics – Biology – BioStatistics Seminars – Pediatrics – Internal Medicine – Neurology – Urology – Dentistry – Applying to Medical School 6-Weeks in NYC
Concluding Thoughts Apply EARLY and Broadly (Application opens November 1 st ) – Earlier you finish your application, earlier you find out about admission – Order your transcripts early and get a rush, they take about a month. bridge.asp Get to know your professors/pre-med advisors NOW, during the Spring Reg process – Letter of rec + eval Get ready for a great summer
Next week… Summer Research internships