A wiki is a website which allow users to create, add, edit, or remove. All these changes are instantly published. Provide communication and collaboration. Best known wiki is Wikipedia. Ward, the creator of wikis, described them as: “The simplest online database that could possibly work.”
The first wiki was created by Ward Cunningham. He started creating WikiWikiWeb in 1994 and installed it on the Internet domain in He planned it to create and share ideas in a quick way. Ward’s wiki is still active today.wiki Ward Cunningham and Bo Leuf wrote a book called The Wiki Way about using wikis. He is telling how he came up with the idea for the wiki is available on Channel 9 forums. Channel 9 forums
It is the first wiki. It was created and named by Cunningham. Main idea of the design is that it is quickly editable. Ward Cunningham was inspired by Wiki Wiki shuttle bus in Honolulu International Airport. Wiki means “fast” in Hawaiian language
Flexible collaborative communication tool. Openness and accessibility encourages participation. Simple hypertext format. Mostly anonymous content. Changeable ownership. Unending content. Easy linking from one page to another. Not only a contributor edit their own work, but also edit the work of others.
Wiki are making “WYSIWYG” (What you see is what you get) editing.WYSIWYG It uses simple markup language. You can edit any non-protected page or any wiki pages which you allowed to edit. Your changes will be visible immediately. Just click the "edit" link that appears at the top of every page. Most text formatting is usually done with wiki markup, so you don't have to learn HTML.HTML
Media Wiki SyntaxEquivalent HTMLRendered Output "Take some more [[tea]]," the March Hare said to Alice, very earnestly. "I've had nothing yet," Alice replied in an offended tone: "so I can't take more." "You mean you can't take ''less''," said the Hatter: "it's very easy to take ''more'' than nothing." "Take some more tea," the March Hare said to Alice, very earnestly. "I've had nothing yet," Alice replied in an offended tone: "so I can't take more." "You mean you can't take less," said the Hatter: "it's very easy to take more than nothing." "Take some more tea," the March Hare said to Alice, very earnestly. "I've had nothing yet," Alice replied in an offended tone: "so I can't take more."tea "You mean you can't take less," said the Hatter: "it's very easy to take more than nothing." Retrieved from Wikipedia
Instructors can create and edit a simple website easily. Any work that requires collaboration can be done in a wiki. Group projects can be carried in wikis. Assignments can be posted in wikis. Resource collections make the computer work for you. Peer review to develop a project. Group FAQ Future students can preview classes and teachers.
Anyone can edit. Easy to use. People can work on the projects at any time, from any location which offer internet connection. Allows future classes to improve works done in a previous class. It tracks the edits; thus, it is easy to determine who and when edit a content. Students can advance their critical thinking to upper level by critiquing their peers' work, and they can learn to define their work.
Changes which done are seen instantly. People can store their folder, pictures, their discussion. Students have opportunity to see their peers’ paper. Professional Development: Students obtain ability to work collaboratively. Students do research more deeply, because their peers’ critiques push them to do more investigation. Store notes for meetings or a project
Openness: Because anyone can edit, it is possible that there might be security problems. However, wiki can be restricted. Vandalism might be a problem if it is not managed properly. Wikis should often monitored to make sure that improper language or content are not permitted. Some students can feel that there is no work for them because of more aggressive students capturing most of the work.
Some free wiki samples are shown at the next slides. You can create your own wiki by using one of them.
I created a video which shows how to create a wiki step-by-step by using wikispaces. Click the button below to watch the video. Video
Wiki Lists: These pages contain links to different types of wiki pages. This website include wiki lists by category Helpful Links: YourLearningJourney/Web20/are-wikis-worth-the-time.pdf YourLearningJourney/Web20/are-wikis-worth-the-time.pdf inks inks
Reliability of Wikis A wiki site can easily tampered with; on the other hand, the community of users can capture malevolent content and fix it; thus, we can approach the truth through collaboration.
Benefits of using wikis in the classroom. (n.d.). Boston College: Instructional design and eteaching services. Available: [2008, December 1]. Debate: Are wikis worth the time? Learning & Leading with Technology, December/January 2005/06. Available: 20/are-wikis-worth-the-time.pdfAre wikis worth the time? 20/are-wikis-worth-the-time.pdf Hart, O. (2006). Wikis in higher education: Pros, cons, and how-tos. Available: [2008, December 1]. Johnson, N. (2007). Wikis in education: Technology enhanced collaboration. [Online]. Available: [2008, December 1]. Lucking, Robert A., and Edwin P.Christmann. “The collaborative power of wikis.(TECHTREK).” Science Scope 31.6 (Feb 2008): 58. Expanded Academic Asap. Gale. University of Delaware Library. 1 Dec Seven things you should know about wikis. Available: OpenContent. Wiki. (2007). How to use a wiki to facilitate learning. Available: WikiEducator. Advantages and disadvantages. (n.d.). Available: antages [2008, December 1]. antages Wikipedia. (n.d.). Wiki. Available: [2008, December 1].