Short-Term Missions Pre-Application If you are interested in serving on a short-term mission trip with S.C.O.T. Ltd., please fill out this page, print and mail to: Scotland Christian Outreach Teams, Ltd. 143 Dogwood Drive Bernville, PA (610) Web site: Missionary Name:______________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________ State: ____ Zip: _________ Home Phone: (_____)-___-______ ________________(required) Work Phone: (_____)-___-______ Pastor's Name: ______________________________ Church Phone: (_____)-___-______ I am seeking to serve as a short-term missionary in: (check one) _____Scotland _____The USA _____Please contact me a.s.a.p. to discuss how I can join a SCOT team to do short-term missions. Indicate the sort of work you would be interested in:________________