The Power of Mobile Marketing Using cellular to engage with prospects & customers who’ve asked to hear from YOU Combines elements of print signage, SMS (text messages), mobile web, and a “mobile wallet” Trivia games, polls & questions, drawings and contests, coupons, event/listing notifications, etc. Uses SMS (texting) as the communications channel for the deepest user penetration and ease of use 80% of cell phone owners text, up from 58% in 2007 (Pew Research, Dec. 2012) In the US, 75% send text messages, 49% use apps and 49% browse internet (ComScore, 2012) 49% of those who use social media prefer texting to calling (Performics, Jan 2012)) Studies indicate 97% read SMS (text) within 15 minutes; 84 % within 1 hour (Nielsen, 2012) What is Mobile Marketing? And Why Should You Care?
Lead Generation with SMS Engagement The “Drive by” Call to Action Engage Incent Alert Respond Close
New Lead Funnel for Real Estate 90% of prospects will 1 st search online; 50% of these searches will come from phone 76% will ‘drive by’ & view home before contacting an agent 53% will take info from a Yard Sign Sources: National Association of Realtors, Google
53% of Home Seekers Take Info From Sign Yard signage is an effective and easy way for prospects to engage with your agency A 2011 survey by Pew Research indicated that 31% of US adults prefer to be contacted via text message vs. phone call. Call to action signage, e.g., “Text for More Info…” offers a low impact way for prospects to engage w/you. For many prospects, text will be preferred method of contact at this stage. A 2011 Pew Research poll showed “…31% said they preferred texts to talking on the phone, while 53% said they preferred a voice call to a text message. Another 14% said the contact method they prefer depends on the situation.”
Creating New Listings is Easy Create new listing with accompanying yard signage in just a few minutes. The time needed to create listings & signage is minimal. As an example, a R/E office that lists new homes per week should expect to devote no more than 2 hours to creating listings on our mobile marketing platform. Creating a listing sign requires 1-click. Creating a new home listing takes a few minutes only.
Incentives Work By Calling Prospects into Action Sending a gift is a great conversation starter and can really “warm up” a new prospect R/E offices can use incentives to call new prospects into action and provide a fun & unobtrusive way to engage. Partner with a local restaurant near your office to offer convenient coupons to prospective clients who you want to meet at your office. Studies suggest that 16.5% of US adult mobile phone users redeem mobile coupons. (eMarketer, 2011)
Redeemable Coupons Work and Creating is a Snap A recent study by Borrell Associates shows mobile coupons have a 10x higher redemption rate than their printed counterparts. Agents can use this advantage to engage. C OUPON I DEAS : New Buyer Consultations New Seller Consultations Open House Incentives C OUPON I DEAS : New Buyer Consultations New Seller Consultations Open House Incentives Defining a reusable “auto-pilot” incentives is exceedingly easy and offers a compelling competitive advantage.
Search Profile can be Managed by Client or Agent Clients (or agents) can update alert parameters as desired, so listings are personalized. Clients can update their alert preferences as desired and agent will also have access to profile too. Mobile marketing empowers both clients and agents by enabling up-to-date search preferences and max efficiency.
Engage with Your Sales Agents Too “Jane, can you text all my Cary clients in the $350 -$400K price range about 45 Premier Way ASAP…” Use the platform to send reminders to other agents or clients, e.g., open house. Confirms are tracked and stored for reporting How long would it take to place dozens of phone calls? With SMS, targeting prospects is fast, easy, and effective.
Sending Targeted Messages is Easy! “No problem. I will target a message to all our Cary clients in that price range. Give me about 5 minutes…” Clients will appreciate the speed, efficiency, and personalization of the home listings they receive from you.
SMS for Real Estate is Affordable & Easy SMS offers a low-cost investment with high value rewards. Increase your new buyer lead flow Offer prospects a fun and engaging way to interact with you Increase the speed and efficiency of alerting clients of new listings Our platform provides an easy, affordable, and fully functional platform for engaging with clients using the most premium and effective marketing channel there is today – SMS
Sign up now: $49.95 p/mo no contract upgrade at any time messages as low as.07 2 Top level keywords No limit on System Generated keywords 500 Outgoing Messages QR Code Builder Mobile Page Builder
Over 10 years experience helping small businesses profit from their presence on the internet Learn more and sign up on line at or call