In English, the pronoun You has several translations in Spanish. In Spain (Europe), “You” has four translations: Tú (informal/singular) Usted (formal/singular) You Ustedes (formal/plural) Vosotros (informal/plural) Notice that in Spain they use two forms of You (plural) Ustedes and Vosotros. Ustedes is used in formal situations and Vosotros is used in informal situations.
In Latin American countries (America), “You” has only three translations. Tú (informal/singular) YouUsted (formal/singular) Ustedes (formal or informal /plural) In México and other Latin American countries “Ustedes” is used in formal and also in informal situations.
Use tú when… you talk to people you have known for a long time. you talk with people your own age or younger than you. you talk with people you call by their first name. you talk with your classmates. you talk with your family members. (In some countries, Usted is used when talking with older family members)
Use usted when… you talk with people you just met. you talk with people older than you. you talk with people with a title (ex. policeman, doctor, principal, etc.) you talk with your neighbors. If you are not sure what pronoun to use, always use usted.
E JERCICIOS Choose between tú or usted. 1. The post office clerk____________________ 2. The principal__________________________ 3. The neighbor you just met_______________ 4. Your uncle____________________________ 5. Your friend Carlos______________________ 6. Your teacher__________________________ 7. The policeman who just stopped you__________
Remember the conjugations with ESTAR? Yo estoyNosotros/as estamos Tú estásUstedes/Ellos/Ellas están Usted /Él/Ella está How would you ask your friend how is he? _____________________________________ How would you ask your teacher how is he? _____________________________________
Remember the conjugation of regular AR verbs? Yo (-o)Nosotros/as (-amos) Tú (-as)Ustedes/Ellos/Ellas (-an) Usted/ Él/Ella (-a) How would you ask your neighbor if he listens to music?_____________________________________ How would you ask David if he listens to music? _____________________________________________