Section 3: Opposition to Bismarck CHAPTER 16 Nationalism in Europe Section 3: Opposition to Bismarck Objectives: Explain the problems Bismarck faced as chancellor of the German Empire. Describe how Germany became industrialized under Bismarck’s leadership. Summarize the social reforms adopted under Bismarck.
Bismarck’s solutions: SECTION 3 Opposition to Bismarck 16.3 Bell Ringer: What was the final outcome of the solutions to Bismarck’s problems? Bismarck’s problems: Bismarck’s solutions: liberal and democratic ideas non-Prussian politicians Social Democratic Party Catholics/Centre Party new kaiser help industry repress socialism social reforms Kulturkamf threaten to resign Final Outcome for Bismarck:
SECTION 3 Israel and the Occupied Territories Opposition to Bismarck Prussia has led the way to German unification, but Bismarck faced opposition from groups within the German Empire … and a new boss.
Opposition to Bismarck SECTION 3 Opposition to Bismarck Israel and the Occupied Territories Bismarck didn’t get the absolute monarchy he wanted…. Hannover’s representatives were in constant opposition to Prussia. Some groups demanded a more liberal and democratic gov’t than he wanted to allow. The Catholic Bavarians remained skeptical of the new Empire.
Opposition to Bismarck SECTION 3 Israel and the Occupied Territories Opposition to Bismarck The Catholic Church presented special problems for Bismarck. Bismarck saw pope’s claim of the right to administer church property as foreign interference & a threat-southern German states mostly Catholic PLUS Bismarck DID NOT trust Catholics
Kulturkampf Opposition to Bismarck SECTION 3 Israel and the Occupied Territories Opposition to Bismarck Kulturkampf Anti-Catholic program Pass strict laws to control Catholic clergy and schools Diplomatic relations with Vatican were broken Church property confiscated Would end in failure 1887
Opposition to Bismarck Visual Source Opposition to Bismarck Israel and the Occupied Territories
Bismarck wanted to transform Prussia into industrial giant. SECTION 3 Israel and the Occupied Territories Opposition to Bismarck Bismarck wanted to transform Prussia into industrial giant. Rich stores of natural resources German gov’t owned System of canals German industrialization came later than GB & France Gov’t helped industry Rich stores of natural resources (coal + iron= steel) German gov’t owned railroadsàmanaged them to promote industrial dvlpmt System of canals provided cheap but slow transportation German industrialization came later than GB & Franceàcould use most advanced methods & machinery dvlpd elsewhere, w/ improvements Gov’t helped industry: standardized money & banking laws throughout empire; centralized postal & telegraph services; encouraged German industrialists to form cartels (union); adopted high tariff policy
Opposition to Bismarck Visual Source Israel and the Occupied Territories Opposition to Bismarck The Social Democratic Party’s breakthrough in the Reichstag elections of February 20, 1890, is trumpeted in this facsimile of the front page of the party’s leading newspaper, Der Sozialdemokrat, on March 8, 1890.
Socialism in Germany Opposition to Bismarck SECTION 3 Israel and the Occupied Territories Opposition to Bismarck Socialism in Germany Some believed actions of cartels led to lower wages and higher prices, wanted gov’t action Socialist reformers advocated gov’t ownership of all major industries German socialists formed Social Democratic Party- most members city workers, representation in Reichstag grew but Reichstag powerless to pass laws Bundesrat opposed Reichstag was still good public forum
Bismarck’s Antisocialist Campaign SECTION 3 Israel and the Occupied Territories Opposition to Bismarck Bismarck’s Antisocialist Campaign Growing socialist support alarmed Bismarck Assassination attempts against the Kaiser Kaiser & Bundesrat dissolved Reichstag & called for new elections New laws prohibited newspapers, books, pamphlets, public meetings from spreading socialist ideas Growing socialist support alarmed Bismarck Two attempts to assassinate him in 1878, had no ties to socialism but he still blamed it on them Emperor & Bundesrat dissolved Reichstag & called for new elections New laws prohibited newspapers, books, pamphlets, public meetings from spreading socialist ideas Social Democratic representation still increasedàBismarck’s new policy-“stealing the socialists’ thunder” Reforms according to new policy: insurance against sickness & accidents paid for by employers, limited working hours, holidays from work, pensions for disabled & retired These reforms did not wipe out socialism but eliminated many workers’ grievances
Opposition to Bismarck Political Cartoon Opposition to Bismarck Israel and the Occupied Territories
Opposition to Bismarck SECTION 3 Israel and the Occupied Territories Opposition to Bismarck Social Democratic representation still increased à Bismarck’s new policy-“stealing the socialists’ thunder” Reforms according to new policy: insurance against sickness & accidents paid for by employers, limited working hours, holidays from work, pensions for disabled & retired These reforms did not wipe out socialism but eliminated many workers’ grievances
Opposition to Bismarck Visual Source Israel and the Occupied Territories Opposition to Bismarck This 1913 poster praises the German social insurance system, which was implemented by Bismarck to "take the wind out of the sails" of the social democratic movement in the 1880s
Bismarck’s Resignation SECTION 3 Israel and the Occupied Territories Opposition to Bismarck Bismarck’s Resignation William I died, succeeded by son Fredrick III who also died, succeeded by g’son William II William & Bismarck disagreed: William felt Bismarck had too much power, Bismarck resented this, felt William was too rash & undisciplined
Opposition to Bismarck SECTION 3 Israel and the Occupied Territories Opposition to Bismarck 1890- Bismarck threatens to resign – William accepts! William II seeks to expand Germany’s colonial empireàincreased strength & size of militaryàbrought them into competition w/GB Sir John Tenniel. "Dropping the pilot." Punch. London: Punch Publications Ltd., March 1890.
Opposition to Bismarck SECTION 3 Opposition to Bismarck Israel and the Occupied Territories
Opposition to Bismarck SECTION 3 Opposition to Bismarck Israel and the Occupied Territories
Opposition to Bismarck SECTION 3 Opposition to Bismarck Israel and the Occupied Territories
Bismarck’s solutions: SECTION 3 Opposition to Bismarck Bismarck’s problems: Bismarck’s solutions: liberal and democratic ideas non-Prussian politicians Social Democratic Party Catholics/Centre Party new kaiser help industry repress socialism social reforms Kulturkamf threaten to resign Outcome: resignation accepted