Chapter 18 PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDERS HOLT Psychology 4/15/2017 Chapter 18 PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDERS Section 1: What Are Psychological Disorders? Section 2: Anxiety Disorders Section 3: Dissociative Disorders Section 4: Somatoform Disorders Section 5: Mood Disorders Section 6: Schizophrenia Section 7: Personality Disorders Chapter 18
Question: What is the basis for classifying psychological disorders? Chapter 18 Section 1: What Are Psychological Disorders? Question: What is the basis for classifying psychological disorders? CLASSIFYING PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDERS Most psychologists believe that it is important to have a widely agreed upon classification of psychological disorders It is important to classify psychological disorders so that individuals can be correctly diagnosed and treated
ANXIETY DISORDERS Chapter 18 Section 2: Anxiety Disorders ANXIETY DISORDERS Feeling anxious all or most of the time or having anxiety that is out of proportion to the situation provoking it Anxiety that interferes with effective living, the achievement of desired goals, life satisfaction, and emotional comfort Signs: trembling, sweating, rapid heart rate, increased blood pressure
Types of Anxiety Disorders: Chapter 18 Types of Anxiety Disorders: Phobic Disorder: Simple Phobia- Most common anxiety disorder, refers to persistent excessive or irrational fear of a particular object or situation. Affects person’s life. Social Phobia- characterized by persistent fear of social situations in which one may be exposed to others while doing something embarrassing. EX: public speaking, eating
Chapter 18 Panic Disorder: recurring and unexpected panic attacks Generalized Anxiety Disorder: GAD is an excessive or unrealistic worry about life circumstances that lasts at least 6 months. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: OCD Obsessions are unwanted thoughts, ideas, or mental images that occur over and over again. Compulsions are repetitive ritual behaviors, often involving checking or cleaning something. Usually aware that obsessions are unjustified.
Chapter 18 Stress Disorders: includes Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)- refers to intense, persistent feelings of anxiety that are caused by an experience so traumatic that it would produce stress in almost anyone (rape, assault, child abuse). Common in war veterans. Symptoms are flashbacks, numbness, nightmares. And Acute stress disorder- is a short term disorder with similar symptoms to PTSD.
Chapter 18 Explaining Anxiety: According to psychoanalytic theory, anxiety is the result of “forbidden” childhood urges that have been repressed, such as “dirty” sexual thoughts which leads to excessive hand washing. Learning theorists believe phobias are learned or conditioned from childhood when a traumatic event occurred. Anxiety may also be hereditary as proven in an experiment with identical twins and even with identical twins raised in different families
FOUR DISSOCIATIVE DISORDERS Chapter 18 Section 3: Dissociative Disorders Dissociative Disorder: refers to the separation of certain personality components or mental processes from conscious thought – daydreaming. When used to avoid stressful events = disorder FOUR DISSOCIATIVE DISORDERS Dissociative Amnesia – characterized by a sudden loss of memory usually following a particularly stressful or traumatic event
FOUR DISSOCIATIVE DISORDERS (continued) Chapter 18 Section 3: Dissociative Disorders FOUR DISSOCIATIVE DISORDERS (continued) Dissociative Fugue – characterized not only by forgetting personal information and past events but also by suddenly relocating from home or work and taking on a new identity Dissociative Identity Disorder – involves the existence of two or more personalities within a single individual Depersonalization Disorder – feeling of detachment from one’s mental processes or body
Explaining Dissociative Disorders: Chapter 18 Explaining Dissociative Disorders: According to psychoanalytic theory, people dissociate in order to repress unacceptable urges. According to learning theorists individuals have learned not to think about disturbing events in order to avoid feelings of guilt, shame or pain.
Hypochondriasis is the unhealthy fear of having a serious disorder Chapter 18 Section 4: Somatoform Disorders Somatoform Disorder: refers to the expression of psychological distress through physical symptoms. EX: have disorders such as depression but experience physical symptoms like paralysis DIFFERENCES IN SOMATOFORM DISORDERS Conversion disorder is characterized by a sudden and severe loss of physical functioning that has no medical explanation. Hypochondriasis is the unhealthy fear of having a serious disorder
Chapter 18 Explaining Somatoform Disorders: Primarily psychological. Psychoanalytic-occurs when people repress emotions associated with forbidden urges. Also thought that people with conversion “convert” psychological stress into actual medical problems.
Chapter 18 Mood Disorders: 2 different categories- Depression, feelings of helplessness and Bipolar Disorder, involves a cycle of mood changes Major Depression: most common of all psychological disorders. Must have 5 of 9 symptoms for 2 weeks: depressed for most of day, loss of interest, weight loss or gain, sleeping more, speeding up or slowing down of physical or emotional reactions, feelings of worthlessness, loss of energy, reduced ability to concentrate, recurrent thoughts of death or suicide.
Chapter 18 Bipolar Disorder Formerly called manic depression, characterized by major ups and downs in mood. Periods of mania, or hyperactivity and chaotic behavior followed by depression. Manic symptoms- inflated self-esteem, inability to sit still, pressure to keep talking, racing thoughts, difficulty concentrating
PSYCHOLOGICAL EXPLANATION OF MOOD DISORDERS Chapter 18 Section 5: Mood Disorders PSYCHOLOGICAL EXPLANATION OF MOOD DISORDERS Some people are prone to depression because they suffered a real or imagined loss of a loved object or person in childhood Some believe that learned helplessness makes people prone to depression Others believe that some people are prone to depression because of their habitual style of explaining life events
SUBTYPES OF SCHIZOPHRENIA Chapter 18 Section 6: Schizophrenia SUBTYPES OF SCHIZOPHRENIA Paranoid Schizophrenia – delusions or frequent auditory hallucinations relating to a single theme Disorganized Schizophrenia – incoherent in their thoughts and speech and disorganized in their behavior Catatonic Schizophrenia – disturbance of movement
PERSONALITY DISORDERS Chapter 18 Section 7: Personality Disorders Question: How do personality disorders differ from other psychological disorders? PERSONALITY DISORDERS A personality disorder is part of an individual’s makeup influencing virtually all behavior and thought Other psychological disorders tend to be discrete episodes of illness than can be distinguished from the individual’s usual behavior
Psychological Disorders Chapter 18 Question: How are psychological disorders identified, what are their symptoms, and how are they classified? Symptoms Psychological Disorders Identifying Classifying