The Cultures of Russia
Soviet Union Collapsed In 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed The end of Communism Russian heritage-customs and practices that are passed from one generation to the next More than 80% of the Russian people belong to the ethnic group of the Russian slavs
Ethnic Groups in Russia Finns Turks Armenians Mongolians There are more than 75 ethnic groups in Russia
Religion in Russia Russian Orthodox is the leading religion Muslims are the second largest religious group Repress-to put down or to turn down a group
Russia Culture Faberge Egg-is an example of Russian art (page 219) Leo Tolstoy-known for his powerful novels about life in Russia Vasily Kandinsky-famous Russian painter Peter Tchaikovsky-known for his classical music
Propaganda The spread of ideas designed to support some cause, such as communism
St. Petersburg Mixture of European and slavic cultures Many western influences Peter the great found it in 1703 Important center of Russian culture “Elegant”
Education in Russia EEducation is a strength in Russia SSchooling 6-17 years of age NNew schools practice non-communist Russia PPreparing for the NEW future FFree public schooling RRussians young people can grow up deciding their future, unlike their parents