Law Enforcement Organization and Administration Chapter 4
Purpose and Principals of Police Organizations The Omnipresent Police Officer Characterizes the police officer who is everywhere in random patrol duties, deterring crime by his or her mere presence – Kansas City Experiment Study done that divided city into three group approaches to patrol – Respond to calls only – Provide normal random patrol – Provide two or three times the normal level of random patrol
Kansas City Experiment The experiment found that the three experimental patrol conditions appeared not to affect crime, service delivery and citizen feeling of security. (p 88)
Law Enforcement As Big Business Police Departments are one of the greatest demands on tax dollars of most communities Headed by former line officers who need to be trained in managerial issues Restricted hiring practices limiting management choices
Police Executive Training In the vast majority of police departments, former line officers work their way up through the ranks and assume executive/managerial positions. To prepare the police manager for executive level decision making, the individual must receive training that addresses this level of responsibility
Police Executive Training FBI National Academy Senior Management Institute for Police West Point Leadership Program Professional Executive Leadership School
FBI National Academy The FBI National Academy is a professional course of study for U.S. and international law enforcement leaders that serves to improve the administration of justice in police departments and agencies at home and abroad and to raise law enforcement standards, knowledge, and cooperation worldwide. – Source
Senior Management Institute for Police SMIP is a program of the Police Executive Research Forum Program that provides senior police executives intensive training in the laquizmanagement concepts and practices used in business and government. A demanding three-week course, SMIP brings together a faculty from some of the nation's top universities, successful law enforcement chief executives, and subject matter experts from the private sector. – Source –
PELS The Professional Executive Leadership School is an intensive three-week, liberal arts-based educational experience that focuses on the study of leadership. PELS is geared for chief executive officers and managers, and candidates from the private sector, public safety, and government agencies. Faculty members from the University of Richmond in Richmond, Virginia, teach the classes and are drawn from the Management Institute, Jepson School of Leadership Studies, Robins School of Business, and several other schools within the university. – Source – Va Police Chiefs Foundation
West Point Leadership Program The West Point Leadership Program is a rewarding and academically challenging compilation of behavioral science theories. Students participate in group problem-solving activities and case studies. Emphasis is placed on practical application and the final examination involves actual issues from the student's workplace. The program focuses on four major areas associated with leadership: The individual, the group, the leader, the organization. – Source:
Civil Service and Promotions Civil Service not geared to promotional level being test for – Need to be made relevant to the position Restrictions on hired from top three candidates on list Assessment evaluations include oral interviews from promotion Political interference in promotional system – Modern Police Agencies and the expectations of its leaders make this interference more difficult
Use of Civilian Employees Make up nearly a third of the total strength of police agencies Anticipated budget savings by replacing sworn police officers from desk duty Higher paid civilian specialist tended to off set budget savings
Traditional Purposes of Police Organizations Protection of life and property Perseveration of the peace Prevention of crime Arrest criminals
Police Results and Performance Measures Addressing general crime Dealing with serious crime incidents Achieving Major Short and Long Term objectives Analyzing the cost of policing Evaluating the quality of services
Reality-Based Proactive Purposes of Police Organizations Performance – Specific role definitions and productivity measures Preparedness – Need for short and long range planning Progressiveness – Management of change – institute new ideas
Management Principles Respond – Traditionally reactive – mostly service calls Regulate – Need to control numerous community and citizen events Restrain – Citizen misconduct, mentally ill, apprehend criminals Recover – Recovery of citizen property – sting operations
Repress – The reduction of the individuals’ propensity to commit crime Reinforce – Citizen cooperation and motivation – Neighborhood Watch
Defining the Organization A definition fitting the requirements of both management and operations. Task carried out by real people with human concerns, needs and emotions. Emphasis on cooperation and innovation guided by polices.
The Concept of Organization Mechanical Approach – Filling boxes in an organizational chart with bodies – Examples are assembly line task. Police Managers hire and promote to fill slots without concern for personal qualifications of the individual Humanistic Approach – Filling positions with qualified personnel. – Used in most professional organizations where particular skill must be developed at a particular level, needed to fill a position.
Traditional Concept of Bureaucracy (Max Weber) Modern bureaucracy – Regular activities distributed in a fixed way as official duties – Authority given to commands and coercive means of sanction are defined by rules in a consistent manager – Only those who have generally regulated qualifications to serve are employed – Fixed jurisdictions are ordered by administrative regulations
-Official hierarchical system of superiors and subordinates -Management is based on written documents -Specialized officers of management requires thorough, technical and expert training and knowledge -Generalized Rules -Knowledge of rules -Office holding is a vocation and a career
– Officials have more status than the governed – Bureaucratic officials are appointed by a superior authority, not elected – Tenure is the job is for life – Employees receive regular compensation (fixed salary) – Officials have a career in the hierarchy
The bureaucracy depends on a money economy to pay salaries Success and rewards in the bureaucracy are based on merit and hard work.