Athletic Injuries to the Lower Leg By: Juliann Plimpton
Peroneal Tendonitis Personal tendonitis is an inflammatory condition of the peroneal tendon, which runs along the outside of the lower leg, behind the ankle and under the foot. Located behind the lateral malleolus MOI Most commonly found in those that have pes cavus Includes the peroneal brevis and longus Also aging of the tendons elasticity
MOI continued A sudden increase in the intensity of training A rapid increase in the frequency of training. Repeated training on rigid surfaces. Repeated training on rigid surfaces. Poor core strength. Poor core strength. Genetic abnormalities. Due to excessive supination, which causes weight bearing on the outside of the foot thus placing stress on the peroneal. Often an overuse injury (#1 cause)
Signs and Symptoms Symptoms of peroneal tendonitis include: _Pain and tenderness along a tendon, usually in proximity to the ankle or foot. _ Pain is worse with movement or activity. _ Pain at night. _ Tenderness and swelling over the bit where the tendon inserts onto the ankle or foot. _ Pain when you try to bend the ankle or foot against resistance. _ Stiffness after exercise.
TREATMENT RICE always works Non steroidal anti- inflammatory Flexibility and strength training Ice massage Stretching calf, peroneals, and Achilles
Leg Cramp and Spasms muscle cramps are painful spasms that occur during or immediately after activity the muscle goes into a hard and contracted state that you cannot voluntarily relax muscle cramps may well cause an athlete to temporarily stop what they are doing, but cramps generally have no serious long-term consequences
MOI overexertion failing to stretch adequately before exercise extreme hot or cold dehydration salt imbalances after sweating low blood sugar
Symptoms and signs Hard muscle tissue (bulge) Pain with the tonic contraction of the calf muscle Tender to touch Other contributing factor is have one leg longer than the other Tight muscles
Treatment gently stretch the cramped muscle - this is the quickest and easiest method of relieving a muscle cramp. By stretching the contracted muscle, the pressure on the muscle will be reduced, causing temporary relief gently massage the muscle apply ice that is wrapped in a soft material - this can be used along with stretching, as this will numb the area and cause an increase in circulation once the ice is removed start replacing lost fluids
Muscle Contusion Muscle contusion indicates a direct, blunt, compressive force to a muscle. Contusions are one of the most common sports-related injuries. Second common injury compared to the strain
Symptoms and signs Bruise in the area May have limited mobility (partial loss of limb) Pain, weakness Palpation may reveal a hard, rigid, and somewhat inflexible area do to hemorrhage
Treatment Stretch immediately to prevent spasms Apply a compression and ice Can use ultra sound if the cold therapy or whirlpool don’t( 3 days) Elastic wrap or tape can give support
Gastrocnemius Strain A strained calf muscle is a partial tear of the small fibers of the calf muscles. The calf muscles are located in the back of your lower leg
MOI Sports that have quick starts, stops or occasional jumping (quick stops with the foot planted flat and suddenly extents the knee, placing stress on the medial heard of gastracnemius) Stretching the calf muscles beyond the amount of tension that they can withstand Suddenly putting stress on the calf muscles when they are not ready for the stress Using the calf muscles too much on a certain day A direct blow to the calf muscles
MOI continue Fatigue Tight calf muscles Overexertion Cold weather Side note Sports most common: RunningHurdles Long jump BasketballSoccerFootballRugby
Signs and Symptoms Pain and tenderness in the calf Stiffness in the calf muscles Weakness of the calf muscles Pain when pushing off the foot or standing on tiptoe Bruising on the calf (if blood vessels are broken) Popping sensation as the muscle tears (possibly) (described by the athlete as being “ hit in the calf with a stick) (described by the athlete as being “ hit in the calf with a stick)
Treatment All depends on the severity on the strain –RICE, NSAIDS –Heat ( but not on the first 3 to 5 days –Stretching muscles (when acute pain is gone) –Strengthen muscle
References BUPA. “Exercise- induced Muscle Cramps”. xercise/running/cramps.html xercise/running/cramps.html xercise/running/cramps.html LaRusso, Laurie. Health Library. “Peroneal Tendonitis.” Prentice, E. William: “Musculoskeletal Conditions. Arnheim’s Principles of Athletic Training 12 th ed.: 585, “Top 10 Most Common Sports Injuries and Treatments”.