The Facts of Fitness
Why bother exercising? Improve your whole body fitness Some exercises strengthen muscle while others improve flexibility. Aerobic exercises help you heart, blood vessels, and lungs work more effectively.
Benefits of Exercise More energy Improved self- image Weight control Control over appetite Higher endurance Conditioned heart and lungs Less tension Stress management Better ability to fall asleep Less chance of injury Toned muscles Healthier cholesterol level Quicker healing
Four Components of Fitness Muscle Strength Muscle Endurance Flexibility Heart and Lung Endurance
Muscle Strength “Muscle power in a one time effort” The maximum amount of work muscles can do in a single effort.
Muscle Endurance “A group of muscles working together over a long period of time”
Ways to test endurance; How many times you can repeat a movement within a given time. (ex. Push-up) How long you can stay in a position for a given time. (ex. Plank, wall sit)
Flexibility “The ability of muscles and tendons to relax and stretch easily”
Heart and Lung Endurance Cardio-respiratory “The ability to keep your body working harder and longer with less effort and fatigue.”
Aerobic and anaerobic: Aerobic- activity done at a slower pace so the heart can supply oxygen to the working muscles. Anaerobic- (without oxygen) The body uses oxygen stored in the muscles. (first 10 sec. of exercise) ex. The 100 yd. dash
Three specific factors affect the size and strength of muscles.
Fast twitch muscles- work rapidly but tire quickly Slow twitch muscles- work for a long period of time without tiring The number of muscle fibers are genetically determined; this number is not increased or decreased with training.
3.EXERCISE A conditioning program focusing on all four components of fitness will improve muscle tone If muscles rest too much = atrophy occurs Strength and endurance can be lost in 2 or 3 weeks without exercise.
Steps to Begin a Fitness Plan Are you in or out of shape? Determine your goals. Develop a program that meets your needs.
To Improve Your Fitness Level Overload -train hard, increasing activity Progression -continue to increase the length of the activity Specifity -exercise those specific muscles that you need for a specific activity
THINK ABOUT… How hard will you exercise? During training athletes increase their workload by exercising harder and longer to be in shape when the competitive season begins. Build your routine gradually to prevent sore muscles, injury, or burnout Fitness level will start to improve after 2-3 weeks/ measurable improvements after 4-6 weeks Figure out how intense your workout needs to be by determining target heart rate
THINK ABOUT… How often will you exercise? Exercising as little as 30 minutes a day, 3-4 times a week will improve fitness levels. How hard will you exercise?
THINK ABOUT! How long will you exercise? Athletes need to take time to get into shape. General conditioning in all 4 areas of fitness begins 2-3 months before the athletic season. Drills and skills for the sport are practiced 4-6 weeks before the competitive season. How hard will you exercise? How often will you exercise?
Your workout should include 3 phases: 5 minute warm up. (loosens tendons and increases circulation) 20 or more minutes of exercising at target heart rate 5 minute cool down. (relieves muscle soreness and tightness)
THINK ABOUT! Which muscles will you exercise? Alternating workout days allows muscles to recover. Muscles fibers get larger during periods of rest between exercise. How hard will you exercise? How often will you exercise? How long will you exercise?
REMEMBER! An exercise program can be a fun addition to your week that doesn’t have to cramp your schedule. Do a variety of exercises, set realistic goals, and enjoy yourself.
Time for a tune up?