To discuss 1.Training state in Indonesia (place, climate, culture) 2.Periodization plan 3.Training plan for U8; U10; U12 4.Football injuries 5.First Aid – how? and the basic you need
Indonesia Geography background Different places e.g. Home & away game -Climates -Transportation -Food -Football?
Periodization Definition Individual and Team Kids
Periodization Conditioning training? Advantage: -Fit and energized -Getting mobile in the pitch Disadvantage: -Growth related -Has the capability to lose skill -Injury (joint, muscle)
Periodization The relation to periodization in tropic weather: -Thirst -Performance -Burn/heat stroke -Condition The need of adaptation
Training Training plan U-8 Basic fundamental training It is designed to introduce the basic of football so the children will have a total enjoyment in the game The activities - Having fun - kicking ball - control ball - a basic idea of organization - frequency 2x a week with a game in the weekend
Training plan U-10 Training the basic. The children here are designed to start the early stage of training and start to have the basic concept of playing The activities - what is training - what is discipline - what is focus - Player position function and definition
Training plan U-12 on this level the children are designed to start learning the basic component of training Activities: - learn how defend - learn how to attack - learn a few different types of component which related to physical condition
Injury -- Cedera
TypesRehabilitation % normal strength Muscle > 1 week6 weeks – 6 months Tendon > 10 days30 – 40 weeks Ligament > 6 weeks40 – 50 weeks Bone3-4 months12 months Cartilage> 2 months6 months Natural Recovery Time
Cedera ligamen sprain Cedera Musculoskeletal
Cedera otot (strain)
Cedera tulang (fraktur)
The injury surface – big, small, hidden Inflamation and painful Purpose to have a good start ROM – Flexibility, mobility, and strength, Active Exercise TACKLE the problem – avoiding chronic disease Basic principal of handling injury
The clinical problem Sports related injury (football) in the early age has become important The increase of football schools = more young players = more injured players Football is the largest sport in Indonesia Many players from young age got injured and it creates problem for themselves and also their community A serious football injuries especially knee can contribute to having a risk of developing osteoarthritis The Injuries needed treatment but here the means are lacking
Football injury -Lower extremity has the most frequent case -Knee and ankle has the highest rate of injuries
Extrinsic Risk FactorsIntrinsic Risk Factors Non-modifiableModifiable -Sport played -Level of play (recreational/prof) -Position played -Weather -Time of season/time of day -Previous injury -Age -Gender Non-modifiableModifiable -Rules -Playing time -Surface -equipment -Fitness levels -Flexibility & Strength -Joint stability -Balance/propriocepsis -Psychological factor
What should be done…? -Focus on stability, coordination and flexibility training -Basic strengthening technic -The training is developed base on the risk factors and the most injury cases
Risk Factors for the young one -the musculoskeletal system (tendons & ligaments stronger than bones) -bone getting stronger/harder but sudden impact can cause permanent damage (bow or buckle) -Decreased flexibility and stability because bone lengthening -Poor physical fitness -Increased BMI (weight(kg)/height (m)2) -45kg / 1.42x1.42 =
Potential damage 1.Osgood schlatter 2.ACL Ligament – injury High level of exposure at a time of major physiological change 3. Dislocation of shoulder, elbow, patella 4.Soft tissue injuries – muscles, tendon Quadriceps and Achilles tendon 5. Overtraining and overuse
Heat exhaustion -Children produce more and quick heat compare to body mass - low sweating capacity and drink less - in hot climates get exhausted very quick (has a huge potential to increase the risk of injuries)
DEHYDRATION 60-80% of our body consists of liquid 2% dehidrasi decrease in performance The importance of liquid
Dehydration symptoms Dry mouthTearsHeadacheBelly ache WeakFaintedCramp
What happen if you are dehydrated? Dry skin Disorientated Low blood pressure Temperature raise Fainted Organ malfunction Death
First aid equipment
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